Toward the Turin Food Policy.

A cura di: Maria Bottiglieri, Giacomo Pettenati, Alessia Toldo

Toward the Turin Food Policy.

Good practices and visions

Turin is rich of experiences of practices, projects and policies making the food system more sustainable and fair, touching most of the many dimensions of food: environment, culture, economy, health, social and spatial justice, and so on. This book presents a collection of the more interesting of these experiences, describing them and showing their multidimensionality and integration with the different phases of the food system.

Pages: 174

ISBN: 9788891738486

Edizione:1a edizione 2016

Publisher code: 11820.2

Info about Open Access books

The area of Turin boasts one of the most interesting food systems in Italy, for what concerns local food and gastronomy culture, innovative food businesses, important national and international cultural and political influencers in the field of food and the food solidarity system.
Even without already formally existing and operational food policies, Turin is rich of experiences of practices, projects and policies making the food system more sustainable and fair, touching most of the many dimensions of food: environment, culture, economy, health, social and spatial justice, and so on.
This book, realized by Città di Torino within the European project Food smart cities for Development, presents a collection of the more interesting of these experiences, describing them and showing their multidimensionality and integration with the different phases of the food system.
The descriptions, completed with maps, are preceded by some interesting insights or visions on local food systems and urban food policies, coming from policy makers, researchers, public officials, jurists and activists.
This collection of ideas and practices finishes with the dreaming vision of the Canadian food policy analyst and activist Wayne Roberts, presenting his (and our) hopes for the future of the Turin food system.

Piero Fassino, Foreword
Livia Pomodoro,
Maria Bottiglieri,
Part One. Visions
Egidio Dansero, Cristiana Peano, Urban food planning and territorial systems of food
Maria Bottiglieri,
The Turin food autonomy for a "right to food oriented" urban food policy
Elena Di Bella,
Food policies at the metropolitan scale
Anna Prat,
Strategic planning, food governance and local development
Andrea Saroldi,
The contribution of civil society to local food policies
Part Two. Practices, projects and policies
Giacomo Pettenati, Alessia Toldo, The methodology: practices, projects and policies for a better food system in Turin
Alessia Toldo, Giacomo Pettenati,
An overview on the main competences of the Città di Torino in the field of food and food planning
(ACTT • Alimentazione, Consumatori, Territori Transfrontalieri; Città del Bio; Eco-responsible Nutrition; Food Smart Cities for Development • DEAR; Nutrire Torino Metropolitana; RURURBAL; Turin Food City; Torino Smile)
Local welfare, social inclusion and community development
(Agritorino; Banco Alimentare del Piemonte Onlus; Caffè Basaglia; Centro Commensale Binaria; Con MOI; DIANA 5; Fa Bene; Food Sharing Platform; GAC • Gruppi di Acquisto Collettivo; "Good Samaritan" Practices; Liberamensa; Pausa Cafè; Polo cittadino della salute • Healthy Cities Office; Social Cooperatives; Soup Kitchens; STI.VI • Stili di Vita; Surplus in the Brunelleschi Market; Terza Settimana)
School and education
(Cascina Falchera; Food, School and Health: The main tools to safeguard the consumer; Frutta al mattino; Il menu l'ho fatto io; School Canteens Service; Turin School Gardens)
Agriculture, urban gardens and environment
(Agrobarriera; Bibliorto; Bunker's Gardens; Innocat; Miraorti; Officina Verde Tonolli; OrtiAlti; Orti Aperti; Orti Generali; Orto dei ragazzi; Punti acqua SMAT; TOCC • Torino Città da Coltivare; Turin Social Gardens; Urban Farms; Urban Transhumance; Urbees; The Villa della Regina's Vineyard)
International cooperation
(4CITIES4DEV. Access to good, clean and fair food: A food experience for the communities; Eathink 2015; From food security to food sovereignty; International Cooperation and Peace Department projects in food security and fight against poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa programme; P.I.E.R.MA.RKET; Social Food; Tutt'altra pasta; Un solo mondo, un solo futuro)
Culture and events
(AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference 2015; CioccolaTò; Conservatoria delle cucine mediterranee; DELICE Network; Food Journalism Festival; Food Mood; Piccola rassegna di cinema di buon gusto; Slow Food Turin Convivium; Terra Madre/Salone del Gusto; World Forum of Local Economic Development (LED))
Local economy
(Central markets; Fair trade; Farmers' markets; Farmers' stands in the City markets; Food Hub TO Connect; Gas Torino; GermogliaTo; Last Minute Sotto Casa; Maestri del Gusto; Massimo Cento; Paniere dei prodotti tipici della Provincia di Torino; Porta Palazzo; Space food Argotec; Torino CHEESE; Torino DOC; Urbact markets; VOV102)
Research and university
(Academic offerings of the Polytechnic of Turin; Academic offerings of the University of Turin; Atlas of Food; Hospital Food Wastage Evaluation Project in the Piedmont Region; IXD for Diabets; Prospera)
Part Three. Conclusion
Wayne Roberts, Why I have such high hopes for Turin's Food Commission
About the Authors.

Contributors: Egidio Dansero, Elena Di Bella, Piero Fassino, Cristiana Peano, Livia Pomodoro, Anna Prat, Wayne Roberts, Andrea Saroldi

Serie: Università: economia - Open Access

Subjects: Publications in Open Access

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