Francesca Rizzo

Seven Years of Design Research at Politecnico di Milano

Analysis of the funded research projects

Which are the main research funds currently accessed by the Department of Design? What are the topics explored through them and which are the interconnections with the Department core research activities? Also, what are the research products delivered, the reached outcomes, and the expected impacts BY these research projects? The book synthesises the results of a qualitative analysis conducted over 32 research projects coordinated or participated in by the researchers of the Department in the timeframe 2014-mid 2021. The results of the analysis confirm the high-level attractiveness of the Department research profile on core topics such as design methodology, service design, and health.

cod. 10319.19

Lucia Rampino, Ilaria Mariani

Design Research in the Digital Era.

Opportunities and implications. Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2020

This book proposes an overview of the researches initiated in 2015 in the Design PhD programme of Politecnico di Milano. All of them explore the implications of the ongoing digital transformations, from the specific perspective of design research. Throughout the book, the cultural, organisational, social, and managerial issues raised by digital technology, are debated and how such issues call for a reframing of design processes, practices and models.

cod. 10319.4

Lucia Rampino, Ilaria Mariani

Advancements in Design Research.

11 PhD theses on Design as we do in POLIMI

The book is part of a series that, since 2017, documents the production of the Politecnico di Milano Design Programme, presenting a summary of the doctoral theses defended each year.

cod. 10319.2

Alessandro Biamonti, Luca Guerrini

Polimi Design PhD_018.

9 PhD theses on Design as we do in POLIMI

The book is an overview on the wide field of research about Design, showing how Design is interpreted nowadays in POLIMI. Nine PhD theses. Nine young researchers. Nine 3-4 years researches carried on by people mainly under 35 years old, coming from all over the world. An international, young, dynamic community, which is approaching complexity of Design from several sides, but with the same passion for building a better world.

cod. 319.2

Maurizio Matrone, Davide Pinardi

Narrativa d'impresa.

Per essere ed essere visti

Per le imprese, le organizzazioni e per qualunque comunità sapersi narrare è oggi divenuto indispensabile. La narrazione è uno strumento potente, spesso più potente dei dati di fatto, delle cifre e perfino delle armi. Ma è anche uno strumento pericoloso perché può sfuggire di mano, falsificare, condurre alla rovina… Questo testo mette a disposizione teorie e percorsi operativi per imparare a narrare.

cod. 244.55

Marisa Galbiati, Francesca Piredda

Visioni urbane.

Narrazioni per il design della città sostenibile

Il volume affronta il tema della comunicazione della sostenibilità e del dialogo fra gli attori del territorio; sistematizza i primi risultati di un progetto di ricerca che sperimenta linguaggi audiovisivi e la produzione di VISIONI CONDIVISE; presenta casi e dispositivi interattivi per nuovi modi di fruizione e per una nuova socialità nello spazio urbano.

cod. 313.1.4