Lucia Rampino

Evolving Perspectives in Product Design

From Mass Production to Social Awareness

In a time when profound sociocultural and technological changes are affecting the design discipline, this book presents a number of consolidated and emerging issues in product design under four dominant perspectives: technical, human, digital and social. Different perspectives underlying modifications and adaptations of the design concept, together with the fixed elements that have characterized product design since its inception during the Industrial Revolution, are the subjects of analysis and discussion in the present book.

cod. 10319.18

Fabio Antonio Figoli, Francesca Mattioli

Artificial Intelligence in the Design Process

The Impact on Creativity and Team Collaboration

The book discusses how to include artificial intelligence (AI) systems in the early stages of the design process. AI could significantly impact the creative phases of the design process if applied consciously. The book treats the Human-AI collaboration as a collaboration between human agents, proposing a set of guidelines helpful to achieving an efficient partnership with the machine.

cod. 10085.9

Lucia Rampino

Dare forma e senso ai prodotti

Il contributo del design ai processi d'innovazione

Obiettivo del volume è di chiarire il contributo che il design può dare all’innovazione di un prodotto. Il testo affronta quindi il tema dell’innovazione guidata dal design, tema strettamente legato al concetto di creatività, punto di partenza di ogni processo innovativo. Per questa ragione, il testo offre un resoconto dei principali strumenti utili per sostenere le varie fasi del processo creativo.

cod. 85.87

Lucia Rampino, Ilaria Mariani

Design Research in the Digital Era.

Opportunities and implications. Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2020

This book proposes an overview of the researches initiated in 2015 in the Design PhD programme of Politecnico di Milano. All of them explore the implications of the ongoing digital transformations, from the specific perspective of design research. Throughout the book, the cultural, organisational, social, and managerial issues raised by digital technology, are debated and how such issues call for a reframing of design processes, practices and models.

cod. 10319.4

Lucia Rampino, Ilaria Mariani

Advancements in Design Research.

11 PhD theses on Design as we do in POLIMI

The book is part of a series that, since 2017, documents the production of the Politecnico di Milano Design Programme, presenting a summary of the doctoral theses defended each year.

cod. 10319.2

Francesco Bianco, Lucia Rampino

Il designer in azienda.

Il viaggio d'esplorazione di un giovane designer in una PMI no-design

Questo volume vuole chiarire alle (piccole) imprese che ancora non utilizzano il design cosa aspettarsi nel momento in cui decidono di coinvolgere un designer. Ma al contempo intende fornire una guida utile ai designer che vogliano collaborare con imprese estranee al mondo del design, incoraggiandoli a mettersi in gioco e a portare le proprie competenze in nuovi territori. Uno strumento utile a designer e imprese.

cod. 84.32

Lucia Rampino

Design Research: Between Scientific Method and Project Praxis.

Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2012

Methodology is pivotal to any research effort because “its reliability is determined by its methodology”. In design, research reliability is an even more delicate issue. As a result, there continues to be debate about what it means to do research using the tools and methods that belong to the discipline of design, even about the terms in which such research is possible. This book aims to make a contribution to this debate.

cod. 85.84

Alessandro Biamonti

Giulio Iacchetti.

Research Experiences in Design

Il secondo volume della serie RED – Research Experiences in Design prende in esame la figura di Giulio Iacchetti, un progettista di grande sensibilità, che fa continuamente, instancabilmente ricerca. Un approccio progettuale che, senza abbandonare il necessario pragmatismo del fare, si confronta con una più ampia e stimolante cornice antropologica.

cod. 1099.1.2

Luca Guerrini

Notes on Doctoral Research in Design.

Contributions from the Politecnico di Milano

The Politecnico of Milan was the first university in Italy to start a PhD degree program in industrial design in 1990, under the direction of Tomás Maldonado. After the direction of Ezio Manzini (1996-2009), Francesco Trabucco became the director of the program and focused his attention on the nature of design. This book collects the first results of this new direction.

cod. 85.78

Laura Anselmi

Il Design di prodotto oggi

Progettare con gli utenti: gli elettromedicali

Il volume, alla luce delle recenti trasformazioni del sistema azienda-prodotto-mercato, propone un approccio ergonomico alla progettazione, come metodologia orientata all’innovazione di un prodotto che tenga conto della centralità dell’uomo come utente e operatore. Il testo presenta un percorso progettuale ispirato all’user centred design, e illustra alcuni casi studio sul tema degli elettromedicali domestici.

cod. 85.59