Le cure palliative in Italia: una fotografia del settore

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Sara Berloto, Francesco Longo, Francesca Meda
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/116
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 89-111 File size 445 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2020-116006
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Palliative Care is considered a recent, complex and unexplored sector in Italy. Most recent estimates on the ageing of population shows the associated inevitable growth of PC needs in near future, opening a discussion on PC sector relevance within the healthcare system. The purpose of this research is precisely to investigate the current status of the sector in order to detect its national and regional specificities, comparing it with international experiences, to reflect on future challenges. The Italian sector proves to be highly inadequate to respond to the PC needs, still based on traditional high intensity settings with a strong prevalence of oncologic patients. Therefore, it is necessary to strategically rethink the whole system to tackle future evolving trends.

Keywords: Palliative care, hospice, PC need, home care, services, coverage rate

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Sara Berloto, Francesco Longo, Francesca Meda, Le cure palliative in Italia: una fotografia del settore in "MECOSAN" 116/2020, pp 89-111, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2020-116006