Il comportamento di acquisto nel marketing management

Autori/Curatori Gianpiero Lugli
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/4
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 24 P. 13-36 Dimensione file 80 KB
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This article aim to develop a new framework for marketing management by connecting consumer behaviour at home while planning shopping trip with the actual choices in store and consumption habits. There are many reason to believe that a shopper marketing approach may open the way to create value from the manufacturer as well as from the retailer perspective. In fact, the article show that a great improvement in segmentation an targeting may come from combining basket analysis and shopping behaviour. After a review of the many reason to consider shopping behaviour in marketing, this paper present three different but complementary approach to study the consumer from a combined retailer-manufacturer Perspective; namely the consumer panel, the data mining of consumer basket and in store shopping observations. These three approach are then developed on empirical basis by four college of Parma University in this issue of Mercati e Competitività. Keywords: Shopper marketing, consumer behaviour, partnership, category, promotion, competitive set, data mining, store loyalty, brand loyalty.3;

Gianpiero Lugli, Il comportamento di acquisto nel marketing management in "MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ" 4/2007, pp 13-36, DOI: