I fattori del successo imprenditoriale delle imprese vinicole pugliesi

Autori/Curatori Antonio Seccia, Antonio Stasi, Giuseppe De Blasi, Domenico Carlucci
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 61-76 Dimensione file 94 KB
DOI 10.3280/ECAG2009-001005
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I fattori del successo imprenditoriale delle imprese vinicole pugliesi - Competitive determinants of winegrowers in Apulia In recent years, Apulian wine sector has begun a process of renewal that is allowing a coming out of potential originality and distinctiveness of Apulian wines, so that for some enterprises, it is turning out remarkable competitive advantages. Some winegrowers have improved their marketing strategies quickly adapting to the new competitive scenario characterized by: the Common Agricultural Policy review, increasing of international trade liberalization, declining in wine consumption in traditional countries producers, changing in consumers preferences and, finally, adoption of aggressive strategies by the so-called "new countries producers". The aim of this work is to identify the main competitive determinants for Apulian winegrowers belonging to the so-called strategic group leader. To such purpose, an econometric model has been built and estimated. More precisely, a qualitative response model (Logit) has been used to determine the probability of high competitive performance, given several explanatory variables. Such variables concern both structural characteristics of enterprises and marketing strategies which include the set of management and planning activities, promotion and distribution. Data for estimating the model have been collected by interviews, carried out using questionnaires, to a sample of Apulian winegrowers. This study, therefore, might be useful to a better understanding of determinants that affect competitive performances of Apulian leader winegrowers. In particular, the results obtained have allowed to outline an identikit of the Apulian winegrower which has high probability of competitive success. Such enterprise has a medium or large size; it is a company or an individual firm; its core business is represented by wines with origin denomination or geographic indication; it invests in communication/promotion activities more money than the average of its regional competitors and, it directly interacts with the main chains of food distribution in order to increase its own sales on foreign markets.

Keywords: apulia, supply chain, competitiveness, logit, strategies

JEL Code: Q13;

Antonio Seccia, Antonio Stasi, Giuseppe De Blasi, Domenico Carlucci, I fattori del successo imprenditoriale delle imprese vinicole pugliesi in "ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE" 1/2009, pp 61-76, DOI: 10.3280/ECAG2009-001005