I cinquant’anni della Pac e il suo futuro

Autori/Curatori Daniele Bianchi
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 22 P. 35-56 Dimensione file 130 KB
DOI 10.3280/AIM2008-002003
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Fifty Years Old Common Agricultural Policy that and Its Development - It has been qualified as a quiet or silent revolution, a revolution that European farmers have lived from the post-war period, the revolution that the CAP has brought into the agriculture world at European and International level. Since then, the role of agriculture in national economies has changed substantially and with it the very foundations of agriculture and agricultural policy. Since the end of 2007, how many front pages were devoted to agriculture? The significant increase in prices of agri-food products, the food versus fuel, the use of biotechnology, food fraud, speculation all these issues refocus attention on agriculture. But regardless of the breaking news, this is also the sign of the new role that agriculture plays since a long time. The farmer no longer produces food. The job of a farmer has become more complex. After having quickly recalled the evolution and achievements of fifty years of agricultural policy, attention will be particularly dedicated to the health check of PAC done in 2008, in the context (rectius different contexts) in which CAP will be called to operate in view of 2013 - end of the budget period - and, mainly, in view of the post 2013. After having analysed the procedural innovations that the Lisbon Treaty introduces into the 2003 CAP reform, we will tackle the long-lasting issue of CAP funding in the persistent global economic crisis and in a context of multilateral negotiations stalling. And in particular, we will wonder how the current single payment scheme in close cooperation with the second pillar (rural development) and with the flexibility tools introduced in the health check can provide an answer to the perennial question of justification for Community support to farmers.

Parole chiave: Politica agricola comune (Pac), Health check, Trattato di Lisbona, futuro della Pac.

Key words: Common Agricolture Policy (CAP), Health Check, Lisbon Treaty, Future of CAP.;

Daniele Bianchi, I cinquant’anni della Pac e il suo futuro in "AGRICOLTURA ISTITUZIONI MERCATI " 2/2008, pp 35-56, DOI: 10.3280/AIM2008-002003