Lo stato spagnolo delle autonomie e l’integrazione europea

Titolo Rivista ARGOMENTI
Autori/Curatori Francesc Morata
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/26
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 19 P. 51-69 Dimensione file 191 KB
DOI 10.3280/ARG2009-026003
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The Spanish State of the Autonomies and European Integration - Drawing on the concept of Europeanization, the paper analyses the interaction between the process of European integration and the Spanish state of the autonomies from a twofold perspective. Firstly, it shows that, though European integration strengthens national executives at the expenses of the regions both at the EU and the national level it may also bring about adaptations under certain conditions related to the specific characteristics of domestic institutions and politics. Secondly, the example of the Euroregions illustrates the extent to which Europeanization provides the regions with opportunities to play a role beyond the nation state.

Parole chiave: integrazione europea, europeizzazione, regionalismo, euroregioni.

Keywords: European integration, Europeanization, Regionalism, Euroregions.;

Francesc Morata, Lo stato spagnolo delle autonomie e l’integrazione europea in "ARGOMENTI" 26/2009, pp 51-69, DOI: 10.3280/ARG2009-026003