A managerial perspective on omnichannel e-customer

Autori/Curatori Maria Teresa Cuomo, Francesca Ceruti, Alice Mazzucchelli, Alex Giordano, Debora Tortora
Anno di pubblicazione 2020 Fascicolo 2018/1
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 13 P. 5-17 Dimensione file 333 KB
DOI 10.3280/EI2018-001001
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The actual omnichannel customer uses indifferently both online and offline channels to express himself through consumption, which increasingly blends personal, cultural and social dimensions. In this perspective social media and social networks are able to assist e-retailers in their effort of creating a total e-customer experience, especially in the tourism industry, trying to satisfy their clients from the relational and commercial point of view. By means of an empirical analysis where managers were interviewed on the topic and its degree of application in the firms, the paper underlines how from the managerial point of view, that represents a new prospect on the topic, the expected shift from e-commerce to social commerce paradigm, facilitating the selling and buying of products and services by using various internet features, is nowadays not completely understood and realized.

Keywords:Social, e-retailer, omnichannel, tourism

Maria Teresa Cuomo, Francesca Ceruti, Alice Mazzucchelli, Alex Giordano, Debora Tortora, A managerial perspective on omnichannel e-customer in "ESPERIENZE D'IMPRESA" 1/2018, pp 5-17, DOI: 10.3280/EI2018-001001