Psicoterapie psicodinamiche per l'anziano

Autori/Curatori Antonio Imbasciati
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/1-2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 10 P. 307-316 Dimensione file 228 KB
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Psicoterapie psicodinamiche per l'anzianoThe Author expresses his critical evaluations about the current use of the words psychotherapy and dynamic psychotherapy and proposes a more exact scientific definition which may distinguish those words and the concept of psychological support. Owing to these distinctions and definitions, the Author is doubtful about the usefulness of psychotherapies in old aged people. Instead of psychotherapies the Author proposes a more careful education for the helping operators: they might be trained so that they can offer a right support to every old aged people;

Antonio Imbasciati, Psicoterapie psicodinamiche per l'anziano in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA " 1-2/2008, pp 307-316, DOI: