Clinica e ricerca psicoanalitica su individuo-coppia-famiglia - Interactions. Psychoanalytic clinical work and research on individual-couple-family

2 issues per year, ISSN 1721-0143 , ISSNe 2239-4389

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 39.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 30.00

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Interazioni has been selected by the American Psychological Association for its PsycINFO Journal Coverage List, , a bibliographic database that lists qualified journals and publications worldwide, providing analysis of papers and quotations. Interazioni publishes monographic issues and focuses on interactions, psychoanalysis of couples and families, and relationships between the intrapsychic and the interpersonal, relationships that can be said to provide an innovative perspective as well as constituting an actual methodology.

Editor-in-chief: Anna Maria Nicolò. Scientific Board: Caillot Jean-Pierre Psicoanalitia società Psicoanalitica di Parigi . presidente dell’Académie Psychanalytique Autour de l’Oeuvre de Racamier (APAOR) ; Renzo Carli - Rivista di Psicologia Clinica online; Direttore: Eiguer Alberto - Membro della Società di Psicoanalisi di Parigi, docente all’Università Sorbona di Parigi e Presidente dell’Associazione internazionale di Psicoanalisi della coppia e famiglia.; Jaitin Rosa - Professeur Associé à Temps partiel, Institut de Psychologie, Université René Descartes Paris 5 ; Psychologie clinique et psychopathologie ; Professeur de l’Université de Buenos Aires ;Presidente dell’Associazione Internazionale di psicoanalisi dela coppia e della famiglia (AIPCF) ; Jaroslawsky Ezequiel - Psicoanalista IPA- Società psicoanalitica Argentina. Direttore rivista "Psicoanalisis e Intersubjetividad" Buenos Aires ; Roberto Losso Psicoanalista didatta dell’associazione psicoanalitica argentina; Giannakoulas Andreas - Membro fondatore, analista didatta e past-president dell’ Associazione Italiana di Psicoanalisi (AIPsI); Lemaire Jean-G. - professeur de psychologie clinique à l'Institut de psychologie à l'Université René Descartes-Paris 5 et directeur du Centre médico-psychopédagogique du Centre hospitalier de Versailles ; PÉREZ TESTOR Carles - associato di psicologia Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcellona, Spagna), ( Faculta di Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences); Tambelli Renata - Direttore del Dipartimento di Psicologia Dinamica e Clinica, Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia, Università "Sapienza" di Roma; - Coordinatore del Dottorato in Psicologia Dinamica e Clinica; - Professore Ordinario presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia

Contacts: Rivista Interazioni c/o viale Parioli 98 - 00197 Roma - tel./fax +39 06 80693228

The Journal uses a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers are chosen for their expertise. The article will be sent anonymously to reviewers to avoid possible influences due to the name of the author. The editors may decide not to submit the article to any referee in the case it is judged as not relevant, not rigorous or not meeting appropriate scientific standards. Reviewers' evaluations will be sent to the author also in case of negative response

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ANVUR scientific journal: Area 14

The circulation of the magazine is intended to enhance the impact at an audience of psychoanalysts, psychiatrists and mental health professionals

Issue 2/1999