Fascicolo 3/2013
- Carlo Carraro, Marinella Davide, Valeria Barbi, Giacomo Marangoni, Science adva ncements, policy immobility: the two fac es of climate (in)action
- Morena Skalamera, EU-Russia Cooperation in a rapidly changing interregional gas market
- Lo Giudice Gino Moncada, Francesco Asdrubali, Antonella Rotili, Influence of new fac tors on global energy prospects in the medium term: compar ison among the 2010, 2011 and 2012 editions of the IEA’s World Energy Outlook reports
- Alfredo Viskovic, Vladimir Valentic, Vladimir Franki, The impac t of carbon prices on CCS investment in South East Europe
- Simona Bigerna, Paolo Polinori, Quality of Life in Major Italian Cities: Do Local Governments Cost Efficiency Contribute to Improve Urban Life Style? An Introductory Analysis
- Francesco Silvestri, Stefano Ghinoi, Vincenzo Barone, Nautical tourism, carrying capac ity and environmental externality in a protected Lagoon of Northern Adriatic Sea
- A cura della Redazione, Abstracts