Control in supply relations between businesses.

Rosa Alba Miraglia, Antonio Leotta

Control in supply relations between businesses.

Theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence

This work comes under the scope of the growing scientific debate as it strives to better understand the phenomenon of control in relations between businesses and in supply relations in particular. This understanding is extremely useful today, given the increasingly widespread creation of non-competitive relations between businesses.

Pagine: 204

ISBN: 9788856871944

Edizione:1a edizione 2013

Codice editore: 368.2

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Pagine: 204

ISBN: 9788820460341

Edizione:1a edizione 2013

Codice editore: 368.2

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: ePub con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Data di submission: giugno 2012
Data di accettazione: ottobre 2012

This work comes under the scope of the growing scientific debate as it strives to better understand the phenomenon of control in relations between businesses and in supply relations in particular. This understanding is extremely useful today, given the increasingly widespread creation of non-competitive relations between businesses. In order to achieve this knowledge objective, the theoretical perspectives used to represent the phenomenon of inter-organisational control are examined. This ensures a greater awareness through the hypotheses and assumptions on which these theories are based. The theoretical roots of the perspectives taken on inter-organisational control are also examined by analyzing connections with consolidated studies on organisational control.
As we embark on this path of knowledge, we are in any case aware that each theory observes reality and depicts the phenomena from certain angles, and therefore can only yield selective, partial results.
The need therefore follows to subsequently highlight just how the observation of reality and the representation of the phenomenon of inter-organisational control differ in adopting the different theoretical perspectives. This is done by preparing two case studies.

Rosa Alba Miraglia is a full professor of business economy at Catania University, where she lectures on systems for managerial control as part of the master's course in business management. She represents AIDEA at the Catania headquarters and is a member of the scientific committee of various national scientific journals. Her research interests mainly concern control in businesses and in inter-organisational relations.
Antonio Leotta is a senior research fellow in business economy at Catania University, where he lectures on planning and control. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign (USA). His research interests mainly concern managerial control and performance measurement in companies, local entities and health businesses.
Table of contents:
Part One. Unit of analysis and theoretical perspectives
Supply relations between businesses as a unit of analysis for control studies
(Supply relations between businesses as a tool to overcome inadequacy in the possession and governance of knowledge and to compete successfully; Supply relations between businesses as a unit of analysis for control studies: defining and distinctive aspects; Supply relations between businesses and interorganisational control: positioning in business studies and investigated aspects. The knowledge objective of work and the research structure)
Consolidated approaches to organisational control, levers, features and limits to control
(Theoretical approaches to organisational control: hypotheses, assumptions and their impact on control roles and methods; The control levers that can be seen from the various approaches; The control features of the various approaches deriving from the use of suitable interpretations of the phenomenon of organisational control; The limits to the approaches to organisational control in representing the phenomenon of control in supply relations between businesses)
The emerging theoretical perspectives on control in supply relations between businesses, levers and features of control
(The theoretical perspectives on control in supply relations: hypotheses and assumptions of the main contributions on control roles and methods; The control levers assumed by the various perspectives; The interpretation of the features of control in the different perspectives realised on the basis of appropriate interpretations of the control phenomenon in supply relations)
Further investigation of the perspectives of control in supply relations between businesses: connections and comparisons with approaches taken to control in organisations
(The connection between control perspectives in supply relations and approaches taken to control in organisations; The comparison of control perspectives in supply relations and approaches taken to control in organisations; Considerations on the connection between and comparison of control perspectives in supply relations and approaches taken to control in organisations)
Part Two. Methodological choices and empirical evidence
Control in supply relations between businesses: methodological choices
(Definition of the research paradigm and the consequent methodological approach; Choice of the time frame of the research and identification of the related knowledge objectives)
Empirical evidence on control in supply relations between businesses. Static and dynamic analysis in the light of theoretical perspectives
(Methodological premise; The Electronic Division (ED) case; The Diagnostic Systems (DS) case; Comparative discussion of the two cases)
(Summary of the work and conclusive remarks; Limits to the work and research perspectives)

Collana: Accounting & business studies

Argomenti: Economia e gestione aziendale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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