The search has found 34 titles

Luigi Guiso

Transazioni economiche e transazioni sociali: il tema della fiducia


Fascicolo: 22 / 2008

Transazioni economiche e transazioni sociali: il tema della fiducia There is no single, accepted definition of trust. Depending on context and purpose, different definitions may prove useful. In order to grasp the meaning of such a complex concept it proves useful to provide some background that will enable to define the concept of trust and understand why it matters. This paper aims at providing some tentative answers to the following questions: What is trust? How can we measure it? What variables can explain differences in the degree of trust across individuals and communities? Why is it important to study trust? Does it matter for economic performance and why?

Il volume presenta le tendenze del turismo negli ultimi anni, caratterizzati da una fortissima dinamicità e da un nuovo scenario occupazionale, che ha visto l’emergere di occupazioni innovative accanto alle professioni tradizionali. Dopo un inquadramento generale sull’evoluzione del turismo e delle professioni turistiche, il testo offre uno spaccato della situazione lombarda, presentando la ricerca svolta sul territorio lombardo dal Polo Formativo “Professione turismo”.

cod. 1294.7

Francesco Lazzari, Luigi Gui, Carlo Beraldo, Elisabetta Kolar, Gisela Gianberardino, Nicoletta Stradi, Stefano Chicco, Alessandro Sicora, Alessandra Francescutto, Anna Zenarolla, Rita Bressani, Carmen Prizzon

Servizio Sociale e Territorio


Fascicolo: 74-75 / 2004

The first report of the research on the regional social policies in Friuli Venezia Giulia is mainly focused on: a) a first definition of Social Work as existing in the Italian region above; b) a description of the three geographic levels (sub-municipal, municipal, over-municipal) chosen inside Friuli Venezia Giulia as areas where to conduct the observation on how social policy and its implementation are carry out; c) the identification of the old and new subjects involved in the definition of the social policies and the supply of services to the people in need. The organisational model of the Social Work in Friuli Venezia Giulia seems to be in an interesting and delicate stage of transition towards a new structure of the net of the services and requires new skills to the Social Workers and the other professionals involved in this process.

Luigi Gui

Comunità, territorio, zona: il servizio sociale si riconiuga


Fascicolo: 71 / 2003

The Italian Social Work has covered a route of evolution on how to relate with the ones who benefit from the help interventions and the local context where they express their uneasiness. In reference to the relation engaged between people and social services, it is brought to light that, during the last fifty years, as a result of the social policy changes, also the paradigms of attribution towards the citizen, at first "client", then "user ", finally "customer" have changed. In parallel, it is here highlighted how the way of perceiving the local context has changed too, as, from time to time, the concepts of community, territory and zone were used. The proposed argument points out these different perspectives, and suggests new interpretative possibilities for the social work.

Roberto De Vita, Fabio Berti

Dialogo senza paure.

Scuola e servizi sociali in una società multiculturale e multireligiosa

cod. 222.2.4