Anna Fata

Second life: aspetti psicologici, culturali e sociologici


Fascicolo: 2 / 2006

Second Life is a world in continuous expansion, three-dimensional virtual community that counts beyond 6 million enrolled, but, in cultural, social and psychological terms, what it is truly? It concurs to enter in contact with people who daily we would not have the opportunity to know, it concurs to havie a second possibility in the life, to feel the parts of himself in shadow, positive and/or negative. Which are the deep motivations of who embrace it unconditionally and of who refuse it prioristically? Which are the borders beyond use becames the abuse?

Il primo testo che offre una chiave per comprendere quali siano i complessi processi psicologici connessi all’insegnare e all’apprendere a distanza, gli attori coinvolti e, non da ultimo, i fattori connessi di successo e d’insuccesso.

cod. 25.1.8