The search has found 39 titles

Guido Alessandri, Laura Borgogni

Psicologia del lavoro: dalla teoria alla pratica

Vol. II. La ricerca e l'intervento nelle organizzazioni

Insieme al primo volume, in questa seconda parte il manuale fornisce una panoramica esaustiva delle principali e attuali tematiche relative alla psicologia delle organizzazioni e all’ambito applicativo (formazione, selezione e valutazione delle persone, assenteismo, goal setting e counseling).

cod. 1240.1.69

Severino De Pieri

Psicologia dell'orientamento educativo e vocazionale

Fondamenti teorici e buone pratiche

Alcuni preziosi contributi sul tema dell’orientamento nel contesto italiano. L’orientamento scolastico e professionale in una prospettiva lifelong è qui affrontato dalla prospettiva psicologica esistenziale. Un testo utile per psicologi, orientatori, formatori, studiosi e ricercatori che operano nel vasto ambito dell’orientamento e dell’educazione.

cod. 1240.402

Annamaria Di Fabio



Fascicolo: 1 / 2012

Annamaria Di Fabio, Letizia Palazzeschi, Francesca Camilli, Antonio Raschi

Interventi psicologici a sostegno dell'imprenditoria femminile: evidenze empiriche di efficacia nel contesto italiano


Fascicolo: 4 / 2011

The present work aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a competence assessment intervention for professional enterprising effected with entrepreneurs of the agriculture and textile craft sectors and carried out within the project Guidance Paths (Percorsi di orientamento), a three-year project supported by the Italian Ministry of Labour and the Social Policy. The study used an experimental group (55 participants) that received a competence assessment intervention and a control group (37 participants). The results showed a decrease in career decision-making difficulties and an increase in career decision- making self-efficacy in the experimental group suggesting the effectiveness of competence assessment for entrepreneurship of women.

Lo scopo di questo lavoro e di analizzare le proprieta psicometriche della versione italiana del Career Decision-Making Profile (CDMP), al fine di poter verificare se e con quali modalita lo strumento possa trovare applicazione anche nel contesto italiano. Hanno partecipato allo studio 498 studenti dell’Universita degli Studi di Firenze. Sono state calcolate statistiche descrittive, dimensionalita, attendibilita e validita concorrente. L’analisi fattoriale confermativa ha supportato la versione a undici dimensioni della scala, individuata dagli autori, con buona coerenza interna e validita concorrente. Si puo concludere che il Career Decision-Making Profile risulta un valido strumento per rilevare i profili di career decision-making nel contesto italiano.

Lo scopo del presente studio è quello di verificare l’impatto delle dimensioni della giustizia organizzativa (distributiva, procedurale, interpersonale e informazionale) sulla soddisfazione lavorativa e sull’ affective commitment. A 193 infermieri operanti nei reparti dell’area critica dei due principali ospedali della ASL 10 di Firenze, sono stati somministrati i seguenti strumenti: l’ Organizational Justice Scale , il Questionario di Soddisfazione Lavorativa e l’Affective Commitment Subscale . La giustizia informazionale, la giustizia distributiva e la giustizia interpersonale risultano predittori della soddisfazione lavorativa, mentre la giustizia interpersonale e la giustizia procedurale impattano sull’ affective commitment. I risultati consentono di approfondire il costrutto di giustizia organizzativa, delineando nuove prospettive di ricerca e di intervento.

Annamaria Di Fabio, Letizia Palazzeschi

Intelligenza emotiva e resistenza al cambiamento: uno studio empirico


Fascicolo: 3 / 2009

Emotional intelligence and resistance to change: an empirical study - This study aims to analyze the relationship between emotional intelligence and resistance to change. Two hundred thirteen university students (mean age = 24.41, SD = 2.61) were administered the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) and the Resistance to Change Scale (RCS). It emerged that the Appraisal and expression of emotions dimension on the EIS is a better inverse predictor both of the Routine seeking dimension and the Emotional reaction to imposed change dimension on the RCS. These results provide a more in-depth look at the relationship between emotional intelligence and resistance to change within an Italian context, defining new areas for future research and intervention.

Keywords: emotional intelligence, resistance to change, Italian context.

Parole chiave: intelligenze emotiva, resistenza al cambiamento, contesto italiano.

David L. Blustein, Annamaria Di Fabio

The new inclusive perspective of working psychology: its significance in the Italian context


Fascicolo: 3 / 2009

The new inclusive perspective of working psychology: its significance in the Italian context - The new inclusive perspective of working psychology developed by Blustein is an essential stimulus, in the Italian context, as advancement opportunity both for the realization of intervention to promote a better personal and social quality of life, and for community advancement by recognizing the inclusive working dimension in the individual life. In Italy, one can trace theoretical and intervention foundation, making it now possible to welcome in the new inclusive working psychology as a reference in the 21st century, both at an intervention level, and in areas such as policy making and the defense of social justice. Hence, this article provides an annotated presentation of the principal significance of the new inclusive perspective of working psychology, in an Italian context.

Keywords: inclusive perspective, working psychology, Italian context.

Parole chiave: visione inclusiva, psicologia per il lavoro, contesto italiano.

Annamaria Di Fabio, (a cura di)



Fascicolo: 4 / 2008

Annamaria Di Fabio, Letizia Palazzeschi

Emotional intelligence: new perspectives in career decision-making


Fascicolo: 4 / 2008

Emotional intelligence: new perspectives in career decision-making - This study aims to analyze thoroughly the role of emotional intelligence in career decision- making. One hundred thirty-four university students (median age = 23.40, SD = 2.50) were given the General Decision Making Style (GDMS) and the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Short (Bar-On EQ-i:S). The emotional intelligence dimensions that have a greater impact on decisional styles result: Adaptability for Rational style and Spontaneous style; Intrapersonal for Dependent style and Avoidant style; Interpersonal for Intuitive style. The results provide a more in-depth look at the relationship between the emotional intelligence construct and decisional styles, delineating new perspectives of research and intervention. Keywords: decisional styles, emotional intelligence, career choice process.

Annamaria Di Fabio, (a cura di)



Fascicolo: 3 / 2008

Measuring perceived social support: psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) in a sample of university students - The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Multidimensional Scale of Social Support (MSPSS), to verify if and in what way the instrument can be applied to an Italian context as well. The sample was composed of 383 university students (median age = 22.41, SD = 2.89). Descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s a coefficient and the Confirmative Factor Analysis (CFA) were performed. To verify aspects of concurrent validity, the scale was administrated together with the Satisfaction with Life Scale. The scale possesses good internal concurrent validity and the characteristics adequate for accurate measurement of perceived social support in an Italian context as well. Keywords: perceived social support, satisfaction with life, university students

This study proposes the realization of an Italian adaptation of the PASAT 2000, furnishing a first contribution on the reliability and validity of the tool. The Italian sample was composed of 453 salespeople who were administered the PASAT 2000 and 16PF-5. In general, the tool was shown to be reliable. The emerging factors show goodoptimal congruence corresponding with the original version in English. The confirmatory factorial analysis shows adequate fit between the data and the model. Correlations between scores on the PASAT 2000 and the 16PF-5 illustrate the moderate-good concurrent validity. The tool shows some interesting requisites that may be of contribution to research and professional practice.

Annamaria Di Fabio, Lara Busoni

Core self-evaluation traits e soddisfazione lavorativa


Fascicolo: 4 / 2007

An area of promising research is formed by the core self-evaluation construct. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between this construct and job satisfaction, evaluating the role played by gender. The following instruments were administered to 385 subjects of the Florentine care system (A.S.L.10): Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale, Work Locus of Control Scale, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Organization Satisfaction Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, correlations, ANOVA and hierarchical regressions were conducted. The core selfevaluation traits, and particularly, the work locus of control emerge as highly significant predictors of job satisfaction. The results provide a more in-depth look at the relationship between core self-evaluation and job satisfaction, delineating new research hypotheses and highlighting the importance of adequate intervention.

The aim of the present study was to take a more in-depth look at the role emotional intelligence and personality traits play in relation to decisional styles, verifying the existence of incremental validity of the emotional intelligence dimensions over personality variables. 159 apprentices (median age = 21.18; SD = 2.30) from various Tuscan provinces were given the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ; coordinated by Nota, Mann, e Soresi, 2003), the Italian version of the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: short (coordinated by Giorgi e Di Fabio, 2005) and the Big Five Questionnaire (Caprara, Barbaranelli, e Borgogni, 1993). The results particularly underline the role of emotional intelligence and they permit an in-depth look at the relationship between emotional intelligence and decisional styles.

Marco Giannini, Annamaria Di Fabio, Alessio Gori

Misurare l'autostima: applicazione del mixed rasch model alla Self-Esteem Scale (SES)


Fascicolo: 3 / 2007

This study aims to examine the psychometric properties of the Self-Esteem Scale (SES; Rosenberg, 1965) through the Classical Test Theory (AFE) and the Item Response Theory (Mixed Rasch Model). The SES has been administered to 2000 subjects (1012 male, 988 female) with a mean age of 39.18 years (SD = 15.87). Exploratory Factor Analysis pointed out a two-factor solution with a submeasured factor (item 3, 4, 7 in this version). The Mixed Rash Model analysis showed tree different Latent Classes, two of which (Class 1, Class 3) with related trend. These results can support further on the hypothesis of bi-dimensionality of the self-esteem construct and unimportant the reduced number of items in the second factor.