Fast changing environment entails several reflections about skills and attitudes required to face the increasing complexity brought by the "glocal, liquid and networked" world in which workers operate. Considering "declarative knowledge" as a commodity, due to the easier access to content (research engines, online universities, MOOCs, etc.), what does make the difference? Languages and digital literacy are clearly cited as key competences, but a more indistinct need about interpersonal skills and personal characteristics is drawn in the literature. A literature review addressing and structuring this issue is presented in the paper. Based on different studies a list of relevant attributes has been built and a research has been designed. A panel composed by managers of multinational companies and business school graduate students will be asked about new recruitment criteria and first job challenges. Soft skills will be assessed through a survey supported also by qualitative data (i.e. one-to-one interviews and focus groups) and by a comparative analysis. Comparison of data will indicate important areas of action for education institutions, HR managers, and leadership development organizations.

Lorenzo Cantoni, Chiara Succi

Accettazione e rifiuto dell'eLearning nelle organizzazioni: una mappa


Fascicolo: 103 / 2006

eLearning acceptance and rejection into corporations: a map The article presents the eLearning acceptance and rejection theme placing it in the wider context of theories of innovation diffusion and technologies acceptance. In the light of these theoretical contributions, as well as those newer dedicated expressively to eLearning and its failures (dropouts), an eLearning Acceptance interpretative model is proposed (MeLA: Model of eLearning Acceptance) which distinguishes different factors, steps and variables. Key words: eLearning, training, innovation acceptance, theories of diffusion.

Lorenzo Cantoni, Luca Botturi


Capire, progettare, comunicare

cod. 244.1.18