Daniela Fernanda Parisi, Stefano Solari

Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought.

Selected Papers from the 10th Aispe Conference

Humanism and religion have been two reference points for economists who expressed their perplexities on the conception of man and society adopted in mainstream economics. This volume contains a selection of twenty papers presented at the X conference of the Italian Association for the Study of Economic Thought. The theme of the conference was Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought.

cod. 363.81

Massimo M. Augello, Marco E.L. Guidi

L'economia divulgata

Stili e percorsi italiani (1840-1922). Vol. I - Manuali e trattati

L’opera ricostruisce l’evoluzione e la diffusione dell’economia politica nell’Italia liberale attraverso un’analisi delle opere di carattere manualistico prodotte nel periodo. Questo volume raccoglie i saggi dedicati ai principali manuali e trattati di economia politica, dai Principi della economia sociale di Scialoja, al Trattato di Boccardo, all’Economia dei popoli e degli Stati di Lampertico, ai Primi elementi di Cossa, per arrivare ai testi che segnarono la grande stagione del marginalismo in Italia e ad alcuni fortunati manuali di inizio Novecento. Un posto a parte occupa lo studio delle dispense dei corsi universitari di Ferrara e Messedaglia.

cod. 1820.160

Pier Francesco Asso, Luca Fiorito

Economics and institutions.

Contributions from the history of economic thought. Selected Papers from the 8th Aispe Conference

This volume contains the papers presented at the VIII AISPE conference dealing with the relationship between economic theory and economic institutions in historical perspective. The organizing Committee felt this was an area of the history of economics that contained numerous opportunities for new and interesting research in the following areas: the influence of economic ideas or of single economists upon the creation and the governance of specific institutions; the way the actual working and organization of institutions may have influenced the growth of economic theory and knowledge; the economic theory of institutions in historical perspective.

cod. 363.68

Marco E.L. Guidi, Daniela Fernanda Parisi

The Changing Firm

Contributions from the history of economic thought. Selected papers from the 7th Conference of Aispe-Associazione italiana per la storia del pensiero economico

cod. 363.52