Franco Cescon, Luca Grassetti

Financial control and business strategy in start-up companies: An empirical analysis


Fascicolo: suppl. 2 / 2021

This article focuses on the relationship between financial control (FC) techniques and business strategies (BSs). The context of the study is start-up companies in Italy, and the main motivation to consider this context is the very limited extant literature. The authors performed a survey to collect quantitative data from start-up companies, and they also complemented the survey with a series of interviews to collect qualitative data. Results show that the use of different FC techniques does not depend on BSs. As a strategic risk factor, the authors also show that reputation risk differs significantly between the two strategy-based groups, differentiation strategy group and focus strategy group. The interviews conducted with expert entrepreneurs aimed at determining the importance of specific FC techniques and the benefits of adopting them in start-up companies. Overall, the article provides new evidence for the debate about the role of FC techniques in the BSs of the firm.

Franco Cescon, Andrea Garlatti

Costing to support strategies for product development. An empirical study of large international companies


Fascicolo: Suppl. 1 / 2020

The purpose of this study is mainly to investigate the use of Target Costing (TC) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) to support New Product Development (NPD) strate-gies in large international companies. Another purpose is to determine how com-panies apply the TC concept and why this strategic costing technique is adopted to support NPD strategies. The study involves interviews in 7 organizations based in Europe and the United States and operating in Italy. It appears that TC, together with value engineering (VE) activities, is used in all 7 organizations in supporting NPD strategies, while only 2 organizations tend to use LCC. The contributions of this study to the accounting literature pertain to its research content and design. In particular, the paper offers new evidence for the debate concerning the relevance of strategic costing techniques, such as TC and LLC, in supporting NPD as a cen-tral dimension of the corporate strategies of the companies.

Riccardo Palumbo

La valutazione periodica della ricerca nelle discipline economico-aziendali.

Una comparazione internazionale

Alla luce dei cambiamenti in corso nell’accademia italiana, la Sidrea (Società Italiana dei Docenti di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale) ha attivato un gruppo di lavoro sulla valutazione periodica della ricerca. Il volume – primo risultato di questo gruppo – propone un confronto tra le prassi internazionali maggiormente significative e rappresenta un ulteriore contributo dell’accademia a un dibattito vitale per lo sviluppo della Comunità scientifica.

cod. 365.911

Angelo Riccaboni, Saverio Bozzolan

Il governo dei rischi aziendali tra esigenze di mercato e fattori istituzionali

Nuove prospettive per il Board

Obiettivo principale della ricerca è mettere in luce alcuni aspetti critici nel governo dei rischi aziendali, con particolare riferimento agli organi di governo, ai ruoli organizzativi, agli strumenti di misurazione delle performance e di disclosure verso gli utilizzatori delle informazioni aziendali. L’intento è delineare possibili soluzioni organizzative e offrire utili spunti di riflessione per aziende e policy makers.

cod. 365.1072