cod. 1240.1.7
cod. 1240.1.7
Lo stage come momento di socializzazione lavorativa: il ruolo di autoefficacia e proattività - Despite internship has extended as a means for entering into the labour market, it has not been examined in occupational socialization studies yet. This survey has been carried out on a group of 79 recent graduates at their first work-experience as interns. The effects of new career attitudes, proactivity and self-efficacy in coping with work transitions have been evaluated towards distress, job satisfaction and work engagement. Results highlighted that proactivity shows partial significant effects with all the dependent variables, while self-efficacy is exclusively associated with distress. Finally, results have been discussed from the theoretical and practical points of view.
Keywords: occupational socialization, transition, proactivity, self-efficacy.
Parole chiave: socializzazione lavorativa, transizione, proattività, autoefficacia.
Interactive effects between perceived organizational support and job insecurity: case analysis of a health business - This study explores interactive effects between perceived organizational support and job insecurity on levels of general well-being and work engagement. This case analysis involved 60 employees of a health business out of a population of 154. Using descriptive and inferential statistics, as well as analysis of interaction by means of regressions, it was evidenced that organizational support is positively associated with engagement, as well as partial facets of well-being; moreover job insecurity is negatively partially associated with well-being. The most significant evidence regards an interaction between perceived organizational support and insecurity on engagement levels. Results are discussed on the basis of literature and for the practical implications towards the specific business. Keywords: perceived organizational support, job insecurity, work engagement, wellbeing.
Item factor analysis of the Italian version of the Work Importance Study (WIS/SVP) - The purpose of this study was to examine the factorial structure of the Italian version of the Work Importance Study (WIS/SVP). The questionnaire was administered to 1883 high schools students. Based on results from exploratory factor analysis, it seems that the questionnaire presents a seven factors structure. The internal consistency of these dimensions is acceptable. The factors interpretation appears consistent with recent theoric findings. Other studies are needed to furtherly verify construct validity of the questionnaire. Keywords: work values, factorial structure, construct validity, Work Importance Study (WIS/SVP).
Gender identity and work: an empirical study on the occupational engagement of trans-sexual people - The study is focused on the occupational engagement and professional achievement of trans-sexual people. Thirty-five participants that have been already processed to a surgery for changing their sex or that are willing to, were administered questionnaires. Results highlight that some critical situations remains linked to the social context about occupational engagement in which they live that is not still ready to recognize the worker status of trans-sexual people as well as at the low level of self-esteem and self confidence in their professional competences showed by participants to the study. For the latter work seems to be the answer to their needs of security and social inclusion more than a means for their personal and professional achievement. Parole chiave: gender identity, transexualism, occupational engagement
Scritti in onore di Franco Di Maria
Una raccolta di scritti in onore di Franco Di Maria, in occasione dei suoi 65 anni. Direttore del Dipartimento di Psicologia di Palermo, ha alternato le prime ricerche sulle dinamiche del “sentire mafioso” e dell’aggressività alle riflessioni sulla metodologia e la Psicologia critica. Successivamente si è indirizzato verso una psicologia dinamica intrisa di psico-politica e di convivenza civile: quella Psicologia psicologica cui la raccolta fa riferimento.
cod. 1240.327
In memoria di Angelo Majorana, psicologo in terra di confine
Un omaggio ad Angelo Majorana, professore di Psicologia nelle Università di Catania e Roma, tra gli ultimi grandi “vecchi” della psicologia italiana. Il volume raccoglie testi che spaziano dalla ricerca sperimentale sui processi cognitivi ed emotivi allo studio dei fenomeni sociali e del ciclo di vita, dall’approccio clinico-terapeutico a quello di comunità…
cod. 1240.312
This research connects job search behaviors and relocation willingness among a group of unemployed individuals. We carried out a survey on 301 unemployed individuals from Sicily (a south Italy island with an high rate of unenployment), using career decision self-efficacy as a predictor. Our results, consistent to most of our hypotheses, show how self-efficacy predicts either job search intensity and relocation willingness. Age, level of education and period of unemployment play a significant role as well. In conclusion we discuss theoretical and practical implications, about programs of vocational guidance and support to career transitions.
The aim of this research is inquiring how the universal human values proposed by Schwartz are applicable to a sample of Sicilian young people. Particularly, our research wants to evaluate how much our value system is afar from the one proposed by Schwartz and to which values our sample gives importance. The results of the research seem to confirm Schwartz’s theory on human values, except some difference.
La ricerca vuole investigare se esiste una relazione, in giovani siciliani che si apprestano ad una scelta universitaria (in Sicilia il tasso di disoccupazione sotto i 20 anni è superiore all’80%), tra competenze percepite ed interessi professionali. Sono stati intervistati 90 soggetti che partecipavano ad una attività basata sul bilancio di competenze, ai quali è stato somministrato un questionario di analisi delle competenze trasversali ed un test di interessi professionali. I risultati mostrano che la relazione tra i due aspetti è relativamente debole, soprattutto per quanto attiene alle femmine. Ciò a nostro avviso suggerisce una sostanziale difficoltà da parte dei soggetti in questione nel mettere a fuoco i contesti lavorativi e quindi nell’attivarsi per realizzare una scelta professionale.
Proposte teoriche e psicometriche dai pedagogisti del Settecento ai giorni nostri
cod. 1240.264
Scritti in onore di Maria Teresa Bozzo
cod. 2000.1036
Credenze e loro razionalizzazione
cod. 1243.7
cod. 1243.49