Quale rete sviluppare per superare la crisi del welfare sanitario: la probabile risposta di Achille Ardigò - Ardigo’s interest for the topic of the opportunities offered by the development of information communication technologies in the field of health services is referred to the question of the overcoming of the crisis of "transation" between welfare system and life’s worlds. Moruzzi, who has developed Ardigo’s approach on this topic, writes that Internet may be the link between micro and macro if it will be able to differentiate itself by the national health service and to create, thanks to the development of new technologies, a new cooperation between public and private (profit and non profit) actors at the service of the sick person (subsidiarity). In the Introduction to Moruzzi’s book, instead, Ardigò says that the development of the social networks of care is more important than the development of new technologies.
Keywords: development, welfare system, health service, technologies, social networks, Ardigò.
Parole chiave: sviluppo, sistema di welfare, servizio sanitario, tecnologie, reti sociali, Ardigò.