Igor Portoghese, Adalgisa Battistelli, Luisa Saiani, Maura Galletta

Analisi dell'effetto del commitment e del conflitto lavoro-famiglia sul processo di turnover


Fascicolo: 3 / 2009

Analysis of the effect of commitment and work-family conflict on turnover process - Many studies focused on the relationship between extra-work factors and turnover intention. The aim of the present research is to verify the mediation effect of commitment and the direct effect of work-family conflict on the turnover process of workers. The results confirm the mediating effect of affective commitment on job satisfaction-turnover intention relation. Furthermore, we show the effect of work-family conflict on this nucleus of variables: a worker who is experiencing a long-term imbalance between work and family life will perceive him/herself as having less job satisfaction and will show greater turnover intention.

Keywords: turnover, work-family conflict, work satisfaction, affective commitment.

Parole chiave: turnover, conflitto lavoro-famiglia, soddisfazione lavorativa, commitment affettivo.

Anna Castellucci, Leonardo Marletta

Viaggi guidati.

Il tirocinio e il processo tutoriale nelle professioni sociali e sanitarie

cod. 1370.1