Oscar Eugenio Bellini, Stefano Bellintani

Learning and living.

Abitare lo Student Housing

Le residenze universitarie rappresentano un’attrezzatura in grado di unire società, cultura e servizi. L’evidente carenza di offerta, e la scarsa disponibilità di risorse da impiegare per la loro realizzazione, costituisce oggi un gap che mette in difficoltà molti Paesi, tra cui il nostro. Il volume affronta il tema della residenza temporanea per studenti, prendendo in esame le differenti variabili che entrano in gioco nel processo di progettazione, costruzione e gestione di queste importanti strutture.

cod. 1330.93

Maria Luisa Del Gatto, Marzia Morena

L’efficienza dei processi concessori nella pubblica amministrazione locale


Fascicolo: 50 / 2009

The efficiency of processes for granting concessions in local public administrations - The Permanent Observatory on the Local Public Administration (Pal) was established in 2008 by Assoimmobiliare, DS&P Studio Legale Associato and Laboratorio Gesti.Tec of the Polytechnic of Milan. It was created with the objective of mapping and analysing the procedures and times for the approval of measures to implement urban planning decisions by Pal which plays a decisive role in urban redevelopment and transformation processes because by intervening in the decision-making phase of plans, it influences the feasibility from many points of view (architectural, social, environmental, time, economic, financial, etc.). The bureaucratic and administrative difficulties represent the first obstacle to overcome for those who intend to invest capital in the property sector. Streamlining those bureaucratic procedures therefore constitutes one of the main objectives which Pal must pursue to attract investors to its area and demonstrate that it is able to able to manage urban planning and building formalities efficiently and effectively.