Elisa Caponera, Paolo Maria Russo

Student characteristics and mathematics achievement in Timss


Fascicolo: 2 / 2014

In the present study, the relationship between student characteristics and mathematics performance was evaluated using a structural equation modeling approach. Italian students participated at Timss 2011 field test (N = 1264; 52% female, mean age: 13 years and 10 months ± 6 months) completed a questionnaire including measures of socio-economic and cultural background, general reasoning ability and self-concept in mathematics and the Timss mathematics achievement test. A mediation structural equation model assessed the direct and indirect effects of the general reasoning ability test and socio-economic and cultural background through the mediation of selfconcept in mathematics. The results showed that all measures were significantly associated with mathematics achievement test, furthermore selfconcept partially mediated the effects of socio-economic status and general reasoning ability.

Donatella Cavanna, Alessandro Salvini

Per una psicologia dell'agire umano.

Scritti in onore di Erminio Gius

Il volume traccia una linea di lettura di fenomeni e problemi socialmente rilevanti, considerati nel loro rapporto con il soggettivo, ma visti anche in stretta relazione con la dimensione storica e sociale. La consapevolezza che nessuna disciplina, per quanto evoluta, può vantare un sapere prevalente ed esaustivo, né imporre le proprie teorie e metodi come unici ed esclusivi, ripropone le attese del grande umanesimo moderno, insieme agli insegnamenti della migliore filosofia mitteleuropea.

cod. 1243.56