Filiberto Agostini, Pierdaniele Giaretta

Frontiere della conoscenza

Big Data nelle scienze fisiche, sociali, umanistiche e della vita

Lo sviluppo tecnologico ha permesso la memorizzazione di grandi quantità di dati e ha enormemente accresciuto la capacità di elaborarli. Un riflesso importante di questa “rivoluzione tecnologica” (Big Data) è evidente nelle discipline storiche, in particolare per quanto riguarda il rapporto tra storia e dato, metodo quantitativo e qualitativo, intelligenza umana e capacità analitica dei computer di fronte a una massa enorme di dati.

cod. 10144.1

Daniele Chiffi, Pierdaniele Giaretta

Normative facets of risk


Fascicolo: 2 / 2014

An explicative analysis of the concept of risk must take into account that risk assessment depends on individual beliefs and evaluations. A key point is the concept of harm, which appears to be subjective. One of the constitutive aspects of this concept is reference to values, which is also present in the statistical hypothesis testing, specifically when oriented to decision making in practical contexts. It is highlighted that some difficulties are found in specifying the ways in which the subjectivity and the values are to be taken into consideration in order to obtain a better understanding of the concept of risk.

Pierdaniele Giaretta

Errori di ragionamento deduttivo: concetti e principi per una loro classificazione


Fascicolo: 19 / 2007

Concepts and informal ideas for a classification of deductive reasoning errors are presented from the point of view of a computational representational theory of mind integrated with some notions which do not belong to it. In particular, it is specified which errors are taken into account and how reasoning processes are conceived, relevant aspects of an inferential step are isolated and suitable classificatory concepts are introduced for them. Finally, some questions and hypotheses are formulated as concerns the notion of a deductive competence and its connection with the so called semantic competence.