Roberto Cipriani, Rosanna Memoli

La sociologia eclettica di Costantino Cipolla

Il volume prende spunto dalla copiosa produzione scientifica di Costantino Cipolla per dare corso a un’opera corale e partecipata da circa 90 autori. Un itinerario entro il pensiero sociologico dai primi anni ’70 ai nostri giorni con tre generazioni a confronto, per osservare in modo attento la realtà sociale.

cod. 1042.96

Silvia Marcadelli, Alessia Bertolazzi

The Family and Community Health Nurse in Italy


Fascicolo: 1 / 2017

The article describes the findings of an exploratory qualitative study, carried out in 8 Italian regions, on the role of Family and Community Health Nursing, as defined by the WHO. Formal recognition of the figure is currently lacking in Italy and there are few studies in this field. A set of local experiences, in which the role of the nurses expresses functions and competencies related to the Family and Community Nursing, was examined. 138 interviews were conducted to identify the emerging models of family nursing in the observed regions. Through the analysis of the interviews, two distinct models were classified: the first is identified in family nursing applied to socially and territorially defined contexts; the second is family nursing applied to the Chronic Care Model. In both models, however, there are three pending issues: the recognition of the professional figure with specific contractual forms; how to overcome obstacles, at least in the prescription of aids and devices; an accurate calculation of the nurse/patients ratio.

Gennaro Rocco, Silvia Marcadelli

Infermiere di Famiglia e di Comunità

Proposte di policy per un nuovo welfare

Ripercorrendo le tappe che nel panorama internazionale hanno concorso a costituire, anche in Italia, la figura dell’infermiere di famiglia e di comunità, il volume, che rappresenta la prima ricerca nazionale sul tema condotta con una metodologia di tipo quali-quantitativo, ha l’obiettivo di analizzare, e favorire, la legittimazione di questa figura professionale.

cod. 1341.1.41

Linda Lombi, Alessandro Stievano

La professione infermieristica nella web society

Dilemmi e prospettive

Il volume cerca di fornire strumenti operativi e pratici al fine di chiarire lo scenario e le prospettive future della professione infermieristica in una società sempre più interculturale, digitalizzata e globalmente articolata. Comprendendo la società che cambia, l’infermiere dell’oggi e del futuro può essere pronto alle sfide assistenziali in scenari poliedrici e complessi.

cod. 1341.1.40

Costantino Cipolla, Gennaro Rocco

Dieci anni dopo: un'altra infermieristica.

Seconda indagine nazionale

I risultati di un’indagine condotta su circa 4000 infermieri, che fornisce un’analisi sociologica su alcune tematiche di rilevanza per la professione infermieristica oggi e pone in rilievo i nodi rimasti irrisolti in più di dieci anni dalla prima indagine. Uno dei lavori più ampi e significativi nel panorama italiano per la comprensione delle attuali problematiche della professione infermieristica.

cod. 1341.2.72

Costantino Cipolla, Gennaro Rocco

Manuale per la ricerca bibliografica online.

Fare tagging nella web society

Questa guida alla ricerca bibliografica on line affronta in maniera sistematica gli aspetti concreti del percorso di ricerca, dall’elaborazione del quesito, ai luoghi e strumenti di reperimento del materiale bibliografico alla sua organizzazione e descrizione, interpretazione e utilizzo.

cod. 1341.1.38

Silvia Marcadelli

The opportunities offered by information technology in transcultural nursing


Fascicolo: 3EN / 2013

The arrival of information technology has provoked a societal revolution and it has reduced the distance between people across the world, and not only in terms of economy and business. For transcultural nursing, information technology could offer important opportunities, if skilfully employed within the nursing process they can improve the caring relationship between nurses and patients with different cultural backgrounds. In transcultural nursing, information technology can be used to share knowledge that facilitates dialogue between health professionals and citizens of different cultures. Information technology affects different areas of nursing care: a) to check for new scientific evidence and update clinical information; b) to improve the organization and structure of the caring processes; c) to deal with and improve transcultural caring relationships. In the field of transcultural nursing, information technology could offer health professionals and patients new opportunities to improve their interaction, and promote a more empowering relationship.

Silvia Marcadelli

Le opportunità offerte dalle new technology nel nursing transculturale


Fascicolo: 3 / 2013

The arrival of information technology has provoked a societal revolution and it has reduced the distance between people across the world, not only in terms of economy and business. For transcultural nursing, information technology could of important opportunities, if skilfully employed within the nursing process improve the caring relationship between nurses and patients with different cultural backgrounds. In transcultural nursing, information technology can be used to share knowledge that facilitates dialogue between health professionals and citizens of different cultures. Information technology affects different areas of nursing care: a) to check for new scientific evidence and update clinical information; b) to improve the organization and structure of the caring processes; c) to deal with and improve transcultural caring relationships. In the field of transcultural nursing, information technology could offer health professionals and patients new opportunities to improve their interaction, and promote a more empowering relationship.

Costantino Cipolla, Silvia Marcadelli

Codici deontologici: medici, infermieri e farmacisti a confronto


Fascicolo: 1 / 2004

Costantino Cipolla and Silvia Marcadelli propose a comparison between three professional codes. The professions involved are doctors, nurses and pharmacists. Doctors’ code is very complex, if compared to the others. Even if, for many aspects, the code can be considered very up-to-date even now, the doctor code holds an authoritarian-paternalistic view on patients. Nurses’ code is very clear and open to to patient. Terms like promotion and contribution indicate the pedagogic aim upon which the code si based. Not very much is said about professional training. Pharmacists’ code is not focalised on the relationship with the patient. Yet, there are some signs that show that this dimension is more considered than in the past. A remarkable space is given to the relationships with other health professions. The authors propose to analyse the professional codes through an integrative frame.