Controllo e combinazione di risorse: un'analisi comparativa nella distribuzione di un bene esperienza

Author/s Carlo Boschetti, Gian Luca Marzocchi
Publishing Year 1 Issue 2002/3
Language Italian Pages 14 P. File size 149 KB
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Resource-based view research has played a prominent role in strategic management studies. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a methodological approach to measure the relative contribution that resource control and resource combination bring to the overall value of the firm. This paper addresses the previous theoretical issue focusing on the Italian motion picture industry. The main reason behind this choice has to be searched for in the presence of a relative plenty of official data about movies’ performance in their different distribution channels (theaters, pay-tv, video rental and TV networks). A possible way of tackling the issue of resource measurement, at least in an industry specific way, has been emphasized. Supporting empirical evidence is provided and implications for managing resources are discussed.

Carlo Boschetti, Gian Luca Marzocchi, Controllo e combinazione di risorse: un'analisi comparativa nella distribuzione di un bene esperienza in "INDUSTRIA & DISTRIBUZIONE" 3/2002, pp , DOI: