Se la psiche è il riflesso del corpo. Una nuova alleanza tra neuroscienza e psicoterapia

Author/s Luigi Onnis
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2009/2
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 51-73 File size 346 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2009-002004
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If the psyche is the reflection of the body. A new alliance between neuroscience and psychotherapy SUMMARY. The author underlines how the recent important developments of neurosciences, today allow a full re-integration of the mind-body unity, proposing mind as linked not only to the brain neuronal structure, but to the total body, as mediator of the exchanges and connections with the external world. Moreover some meaningful neurosciences discoveries, as the nature essentially "relational" of mind, the "implicit memory" and particularly the "mirror neurons" give neurophisiological supports and confirmations to many experimental and clinical issues of developmental psychology and psychotherapy, concerning the importance of the "implicit relational knowledge" and the analogical and metaphorical languages, the empathy in therapeutic relationship, the dynamics of therapeutic change. The Author take into account these implications with a particular reference to systemic psychotherapy and underlines how, in the light of these considerations, we can speak today about a "new alliance" between neurosciences and psychotherapy.

Keywords: Mind-Body Unity; Neurosciences; Implicit Memory; Mirror Neurons; Systemic Psychotherapy; Analogical Languages; Empathy; Therapeutic Relationship; Therapeutic Change.

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Luigi Onnis, Se la psiche è il riflesso del corpo. Una nuova alleanza tra neuroscienza e psicoterapia in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 2/2009, pp 51-73, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2009-002004