The general strike that has followed decision n. 3/134, 2003.

Author/s Mimmo Carrieri, Giovanni Pino, Caterina Valeria Sgrò, Fabio Paolucci, Silvia Mancini
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/174
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 275-293 File size 644 KB
DOI 10.3280/GDL2022-174005
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The article aims to retrace the path through which the Guarantee Commission has analysed the phenomenon of the so-called "general" strike. First, it is explored what questions underlie the choice to adopt Resolution No. 3/134, with a view to balance the need of the trade unions to organize a protest that could affect all public and private sectors, as identified by Article 1 of l. 146 of 1990, with the need to safeguard essential services to protect the rights of citizens. However, the changes in the trade union landscape and the nature of the "general" strike, less and less used by the confederations, has become a tool of pressure that, especially over the past few years, has allowed union acronyms of small unions to produce an "announcement effect" most often inversely proportional to union's membership and density. This phenome-non has recently gained importance and has therefore led the Guarantee Commission to re-view the existing rules. As a result, it has been possible to identify new tools that might be employed by the Authority in order to make the strike regulation more correspondent to the real workers' participation in the "general" strike.

Keywords: General strike; Rules; Exception; Concentration Between Strikes; Rarefaction.

Mimmo Carrieri, Giovanni Pino, Caterina Valeria Sgrò, Fabio Paolucci, Silvia Mancini, Lo sciopero generale dopo la delibera n. 3/134 del 2003 in "GIORNALE DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO E DI RELAZIONI INDUSTRIALI " 174/2022, pp 275-293, DOI: 10.3280/GDL2022-174005