Cinzia Angelini, Antonella Poce

L'apprendimento nei musei

Un'indagine internazionale

Il volume ha preso in analisi il livello di apprendimento degli adulti nelle mostre temporanee. Grazie alla collaborazione di quattro musei in diversi paesi europei (Belgio, Germania, Italia, Paesi Bassi), la raccolta di 1013 questionari somministrati a visitatori adulti, le informazioni fornite dai curatori delle diverse mostre e l’analisi lessicometrica è stata possibile una valutazione delle conoscenze acquisite da parte dei fruitori e dello sviluppo di competenze da parte di un pubblico di diversa età e specializzazione.

cod. 1326.5.8

Irene Presta

Non-visitors: who are they, why is it important to know them?


Fascicolo: 1 / 2010

Who are the non-visitors in a museum? Why is it important to know them? The answers to these questions inspired the following study, that has been conducted both on a theoretical and practical basis. The results of this research, despite the fact of not having a representative value, have an extremely important documental value. The data collection shows some almost surprising facts, such as the insufficient knowledge about what a museum is. More than half of the interviewed supplied a totally wrong definition for museum. The study of the non-visitor also represents an opportunity to rethink the organization of the museum itself. The first goal of this study is to investigate the main characteristics of non-visitors and the reasons why they don’t visit museums, thus preventing museums from exploiting the educational function that is part of their mission. The educational role of museums is fundamental to fight illiteracy. In a theoretical context, where museums play such an important role in society, the study of non-visitors represents the first important step in order to understand the endogenous limits that prevent its educational function.