Issue 2/2024
- Fernando García-Quero, Raúl Prebisch’s Influence on Contemporary Development Studies: A Review of Recent Literature (2010-2021)
- Veronica Sacco, Latvia: The Privatization Process and National Identity
- Fabrizio Bientinesi, The Strange Case of Mr. Manoilescu in Italy
- Ali Birvural, The Economic Historical Significance of the Ionian Occupation State
- Morris Karp, Hayek’s Monetary Reform Proposals: From Abstract to Concrete
- Fabio Masini, Albertina Nania, Veronica Sacco, The Italian Transition 1989-1994: A View from Abroad
- Jan Joost Teunissen, Maria da Conceição Tavares An Inspiring Friend has Died
- Fabio Masini, Giovanni Magnifico (Bari, 1931-Rome, 2024)
Book review
Issue 1/2024
- Stefano Solari, The Synchronisation and Standardisation of Time (1830-1970): Technological Innovation and Public Policy
- Elisabetta Caroppo, The International Institute of the Middle Classes in the Early Twentieth Century: Economic Policies, Theoretical Models, and Action Plans
- Milan Zafirovski, Contradictions of the Marginal Utility Theory of Value? Identifying Some Logical Errors