Issue 2/2024
- Svetlana L. Lozhkina, Natalia N. Shash, Natalia A. Gurevich, Ekaterina V. Chetvertakova, Assessment of sustainable development of an enterprise in a platform economy
- Raushan Makasheva, Leila Tussupova, Nurlan Apakhayev, Biyakhmet Abdulaziz, Sandugash Khushkeldiyeva, Integration of digital transformation and the concept of sustainable development in small and medium-sized businesses
- Victor Meseguer-Sanchez, Isabel Martínez-Alcalá, Paola De Santis, Ecological and digital transition: “Travelling” in parallel for an everlasting future more sustainable
- Farida Yerdavletova, Onaikhan Zhadigerova, Aliya Shakbutova, Myrzabike Zhumabayeva, Asset Kyzdarbekova, Financial assessment of the costs of exploration and evaluation of natural resources: Addressing environmental inequalities through sustainable mineral exploration and evaluation practices
- Anna Pettini, Luca Montini, Textile industry sustainability: Unpacking the potential of EPR for circular practices
- Lorenzo Goglia, Flavia Vittoria Chianese, Paola Conti, Gennaro Di Prisco, Assessing the conservation status of diurnal Lepidoptera in the Vesuvius National Park
- Lorenzo Goglia, Simone Flaminio, Flavia Vittoria Chianese, Marino Quaranta, Paola Conti, Gennaro Di Prisco, Italian wild bees biodiversity and Vesuvius National Park
- Bohdan Kyshakevych, Stepan Nastoshyn, Olha Melnyk, Natalia Maksyshko, Oleksandr Svintsov, The relationship between economic growth, international trade and energy efficiency in European countries: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) modeling approach
- Tursynkul Rakhmetova, Tax system of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Shortcomings of the system and areas of its improvement
- Oleh Vysochan, Oleksandr Maslak, Vasyl Hyk, Alla Yasinska, Olha Vysochan, Attracting accounting in cluster entities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
- Oleg M. Yaroshenko, Roman V. Shapoval, Olena Ye Lutsenko, Vladyslav V. Povydysh, Roman Ye. Prokopiev, Labor law: Is the profession of HR manager a thing of the past?
- Araz Gadimaliyev, Zhibek Syzdykova, Sevda Hajizada, Marija Troyanskaya, Konstantin Sokolovski, The 30-year journey of the constitutions in the post-soviet states after independence
- Bohdan V. Fasii, Limits of discretion of participants in civil relations in the conditions of martial law
- Bauyrzhan Urazymbetov, Kazakhstan’s integration into the Eurasian Economic Union: Examining Kazakh experts and citizen assumption of the union prospects
- Gulmira B. Yesimkhanova, Serik K. Zhetpisov, Yernar E. Erbolatov, Bulat Kh. Olzhabaev, Zhanna K. Azhibayeva, Criminal protection of secrecy: Kazakhstan and some European countries
- Serik Zhetpissov, Nursulun Mussabekova, Gulnar Alibayeva, Olga Dubovitskay, Zhadyra Talipova, Vulnerability of personal data of Kazakhstani citizens and the need to implement the European experience
- Zhuldyz Bekpayeva, Nina Nikiforova, Lyailya Zhakypbek, Sanim Zhanbyrbayeva, Existence of gender inequality in the issue of corporate governance in the banking sector and in companies in Kazakhstan
Issue 1/2024
- Saule Okutayeva, Emin Askerov, Zubirash Smagulova, Nurgul Yesmagulova, Saida Kaidarova, Social entrepreneurship as a catalyst for addressing inequalities and promoting sustainable development
- Karakat Nagymzhanova, Bakhyt Tusupbekova, Aiym Otep, Azamat K. Nagymzhanov, Gender inequalities: Understanding gender identity and changing trends
- Aibek Kumysbekov, Natalya Kalashnikova, Alexandr Danilov, Assel Ayaganova, Preconditions and causes of inter-ethnic conflicts in Central Asia
- Aigerim Zhakypbek, Indira Sarybayeva, Gulzhan Alimbekova, Gulnur Yesbergenova, Causes of social exclusion of the elderly: Barriers to inclusive sustainable development
- Gulnar Aigarinova, Nellya Kairova, Nuradin Nakyshov, Turdaly Karatayev, Gylshat Rakhmetova, Sadykh Yessimkulov, Legal regulation of climate change in the context of global warming
- Iuliia Zolotareva, Francesco Zecca, Food security and sustainable development: West Africa case study
- Max J.A. Romero, Cristina Moliner, Elisabetta Arato, Discussion on plastic waste management hierarchy
- Ahmed Elnadif Elmanssury, Yasir Hayat Mughal, Muhammad Fiaz, Irfan Ullah, Asif Mahmood, Unmasking the narcissism and workaholism dilemma: A parallel and sequential mediation dance of perfectionism and paranoia in diverse organizational environments
- Teresa Martyniuk, Mykola Bondar, Marzena Remlein, Olena Tsiatkovska, Nataliia Ostapiuk, Accounting of infrastructure assets of state institutions as an element of sustainable development goals