Issue 2/2024 Intelligenza Artificiale nella scuola, e nella formazione universitaria. Rischi e opportunità
- Michele Corsi, Pier Giuseppe Rossi, Lorella Giannandrea, Giacomo Nalli, Intelligenza Artificiale nella scuola e nella formazione universitaria. Rischi e opportunità
- Michele Corsi, Pier Giuseppe Rossi, Lorella Giannandrea, Giacomo Nalli, Artificial Intelligence in Schools and University Education: Risks and Opportunities
- Corrado Petrucco, Francesca Favino, Angela Conte, Teachers’ perceptions on the introduction of Generative AI in schools: A mixed-method study on the opinions of 1,223 teachers in the Veneto Region, Italy
- Giovanna Cioci, AI in the class: Uses, doubts, challenges and perceptions of a sample of teachers from different nationalities
- Valentina Toci, Paola Nencioni, Francesca Rossi, Education in the Age of AI: Perceptions, Challenges and Opportunities for Italian Teachers
- Roberta Scarano, Concetta Ferrantino, Formare all'intelligenza artificiale: un progetto-studio con docenti e futuri docenti (Training in artificial intelligence: A project-study with teachers and future teachers)
- Valeria Di Martino, L’Intelligenza Artificiale in ambito educativo: percezioni dei docenti in formazione iniziale (Artificial Intelligence in Education: Perceptions of Teachers in Initial Training)
- Luca Ballestra Caffaratti, Alessandro Monchietto, From Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Assistants in Education: Theoretical Foundations and First Applications in Teacher Education
- Maila Pentucci, Manuela Fabbri, Chiara Laici, Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Research Pathway with ChatGPT for Learning Design, Feedback, and Professional Development
- Laura Carlotta Foschi, Beatrice Doria, Chiara Laici, Francesca Gratani, Laura Screpanti, Michele Giuliano Michele Giuliano, Pier Giuseppe Rossi, Lorella Giannandrea, Valentina Grion, Antonella Montone, AI e Feedback. Interazione tra agenti umani e artificiali per valutare prove scritte in ambito universitario (AI and Feedback. Assessing written tasks in Higher Education through human and artificial agent interaction)
- Flavia Di Donato, Innovazione nella gestione delle competenze: il ruolo dell'e-portfolio supportato dalla GenAI nell'istruzione superiore (Innovation in Competence Management: The Role of the e-Portfolio supported by GenAI in Higher Education)
- Cristiana D'Aprile, Alleanza tra eSport e Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa. Analisi dei principali videogiochi competitivi attraverso una rubrica di valutazione. (Alliance between eSports and Generative Artificial Intelligence. Analysis of major competitive video games through an evaluation rubric.)
- Dario Lombardi, Luigi Traetta, Antonio Maffei, Primož Podžaj, Evolving Educational Horizons: Integrating AI with Innovative Teaching and Assessment Strategies
- Antonio Ragusa, Valeria Caggiano, Iker Omar Belsaguy Alor, Unveiling the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Humanistic Management in Enriching Higher Education: Insights from Italian and Mexican Universities
- Davide Richard Bramley, Intelligenza artificiale e formazione universitaria: una nuova frontiera di innovazione a supporto del percorso accademico (Artificial intelligence and university education: A new frontier of innovation to support the academic pathway)
- Rosa Cera, Intelligenza generativa artificiale in medical education: ragionamento clinico artificiale vs ragionamento clinico umano (Artificial Generative Intelligence in Medical Education: Artificial Clinical Reasoning vs Human Clinical Reasoning)
- Martina Albanese, Elisabetta Fiorello, Analisi tematica della percezione degli studenti universitari sull’utilizzo di ChatGPT nel contesto universitario (Thematic analysis of college students’ perceptions of ChatGPT use in the university setting)
- Emiliana Murgia, Filippo Bruni, Generative Artificial Intelligence at school: University students perceptions and visions at Learning Sciences Faculty
- Michele Baldassare, Anna Maria Cuzzi, Francesco Pio Sarcina, Didattica e Prompt Engineering: una nuova competenza digitale per i docenti nell’era dell’Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa (Teaching and Prompt Engineering: A new digital skill for teachers in the era of Generative Artificial Intelligence)
- Alfonso Filippone, Umberto Barbieri, Emanuele Marsico, Maria Ermelinda De Carlo, Raffaele Di Fuccio, Teaching and Learning in 3D Virtual Worlds integrated with Intelligent Tutoring Systems: New perspectives for Virtual Reality, Eduverse and Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Luna Lembo, Elèna Cipollone, Francesco Peluso Cassese, A.T.E.N.A.: Augmented Tools for Enhancement of Neural Activation. Variety of teaching styles and consistent effectiveness of augmented reality in didactics
- Valeria Cesaroni, Inclusive education in the age of AI: A critical perspective on policy guidelines through the lens of ecological-systemic theory of technological mediation
- Alessandra Lo Piccolo, Daniela Pasqualetto, L’apprendimento adattivo e il suo ruolo nell’inclusività educativa (Adaptive learning and its role in educational inclusivity)
- Andreana Lavanga, Roberta Baldini, Alessandro De Santis, Giorgio Mori, Rischi e impatti psicologici della dipendenza dall'AI nelle nuove generazioni: una revisione narrativa della letteratura (Risks and psychological impacts of AI addiction in the new generations: A narrative review of the literature)
- Valentina Pastorelli, Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa (IAG). La nuova frontiera dell'istruzione o un dilemma etico? (Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI). The New Frontier of Education or an Ethical Dilemma?)
- Valentina Berardinetti, Francesco Antonio Santangelo, Luigi Traetta, Innovazioni in classe: come l'IA sta trasformando l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento (Innovations in the classroom: How AI is transforming teaching and learning)
- Martina Rossi, Michele Ciletti, Lucia Melchiorre, Giusi Antonia Toto, The impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) on education: A review of the potential, the risks and the role of immersive technologies
- Andrea Fiorucci, Alessia Bevilacqua, Il dibattito scientifico sull’Intelligenza Artificiale in ambito educativo: una scoping review sugli approcci e sulle tendenze della ricerca pedagogica in Italia (The scientific debate on Artificial Intelligence in education: A scoping review on the approaches and trends of pedagogical research in Italy)
Issue 1/2024 Special Education, Third Mission and Social Impact: Reflections and practices for an inclusive community
- Michele Corsi, Catia Giaconi, Gabrielle Miller, La pedagogia speciale è per le persone, la società e la democrazia
- Michele Corsi, Catia Giaconi, Gabrielle Miller, Special Pedagogy is for people, society and democracy
- Catia Giaconi, Salvatore Patera, Lucia Borsini, Davide Scotta, Ilaria D'Angelo, Noemi Del Bianco, The role of Special Pedagogy for Third Mission and Social Impact between transformative practices and emancipatory processes
- Silvia Zanazzi, Tamara Zappaterra, "We care". Third stream experiences for an inclusive educational community
- Natascia Curto, Cecilia Marchisio, Cristina Frioni, Dalla comunicazione della ricerca a un modello di sviluppo dei territori: processi virtuosi e Terza Missione (From the communication in Research to Territorial Development: Virtuous processes and Third Mission)
- Elena Girotti, Anna Ascenzi, «Happily, they embraced each other»: Contributing to the Third Mission with stories to include and create community? A review of experiences
- Valentina Pennazio, Rita Cersosimo, Un laboratorio di formazione permanente per gli insegnanti sulla robotica e le metodologie didattiche per l’inclusione (A permanent training laboratory for teachers on robotics and didactic methodologies for inclusion)
- Erika Marie Pace, Alessio Di Paolo, Iolanda Zollo, Paola Aiello, Maurizio Sibilio, Formarsi e formare l’altro da sé: la terza missione come veicoloper arginare la povertà educativa (Educating the other beyond the self: The third mission of universities as a means to reduce educational poverty)
- Arianna Taddei, Simone Aparecida Capellini, Elena Girotti, Catia Giaconi, The Inclusive University: Practices and reflections for student community well-being
- Tommaso Farina, Elisa Pacini, Scuola, famiglia e comunità inclusive: dall’esperienza universi-taria del TFA alla progettazione di un’unità didattica intercultu-rale (School, family, and inclusive communities: From the university experience of TFA to the design of an intercultural teaching unit)
- Silvia Maggiolini, Elena Zanfroni, Inclusive action in an international setting: A universal value and individual commitment. The 'Bridges in Amman' Project
- Luca Decembrotto, Elena Pacetti, Cooperazione internazionale e Nepal: supportare studenti con disabilità e provenienti da gruppi emarginati negli studi univer-sitari (International Cooperation and Nepal: Supporting students with disabilities and marginalised groups in higher education)
- Patrizia Sandri, Leonardo Callegari, “Guardare oltre per abitare il mondo, avendo un progetto”: una ricerca per promuovere l’operosità delle persone a occupabilità complessa ("Looking beyond to inhabit the World, having a Project": Research to promote the Industriousness of People with complex Employability)
- Guendalina Peconio, Valentina Berardinetti, Martina Rossi, Giusi Antonia Toto, Valorizzazione e promozione dell’inclusione lavorativa per le persone con disabilità: analisi e prospettive del progetto “Mis-sion Inclusion” dell’Università di Foggia (Enhancing and promoting employment inclusion for people with disabilities: Analysis and perspectives of the University of Foggia’s “Mission Inclusion” project)
- Mariachiara Feresin, Elena Bortolotti, La complessa questione della transizione alla vita adulta per i giovani con disabilità intellettiva: le prospettive dei genitori (The Complex Issue of Transition to Adult Life for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities: Views from the Parents)
- Maria Giulia Ballatore, Alicia García-Holgado, Anita Tabacco, Juanjo Mena, Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Lucía Amores, Profiles of students in STEM across Latin America and Europe
- Arianna Taddei, Elena Rosciani, Il diritto di dimenticare: sfide pedagogiche e reti territoriali per le persone con Alzheimer (The right to forget: Pedagogical challenges and territorial networks for people with Alzheimer's disease)
- Emanuela Zappalà, Fausta Sabatano, Paola Aiello, Le potenzialità; educative e inclusive del Group-based Early Start Denver Model. Un progetto di ricerca e formazione nelle scuole dell’infanzia (Educational and inclusive potential of the Group-based Early Start Denver Model. A Research and Training Project in Early Childhood Schools)
- Catia Giaconi, Ilaria D'Angelo, Noemi Del Bianco, Salvatore Patera, Simona Rotondi, Simone Aparecida Capellini, Costruire culture e pratiche inclusive tra Università e territori. Uno studio di caso multi-regione per il contrasto della povertà educativa (Building inclusive cultures and practices between universities and territories. A multi-region case study on combating educational poverty)