Issue 169/2024 Placing labour and logistics within the global economy
- Andrea Bottalico, Jörg Nowak, Employment conditions, conflicts, and new challenges along the transport-logistics chain
- Martin Arboleda, Estrazione in movimento: la svolta logistica dell’industria mineraria cilena (Extraction in Movement: the Logistics Turn in Chilean Mining Industry)
- Ismail Doga Karatepe, Christoph Scherrer, The Selective Return of Labor Casualization in Western European Ports
- Polina Baum-Talmor, Cagatay Edgücan Sahin, Navigating Uncertainty: Exploring Future Perspectives on Precarious Employment in the Shipping Industry
- Laura Valle Gontijo, João Pedro Inácio Peleja, Platform work and Marx’s theory of value: a literature review
- Emanuele Nebbia Colomba, Multinazionali del mare: pratiche occupazionali e contesto locale (Multinationals of the sea: employment practices and the local context)
- Mirco Di Sandro, Antonio Sanguinetti, «Remake the Globe!». Un’inchiesta sui lavoratori dello spettacolo durante la pandemia in Italia («Remake the Globe!».An investigation into entertainment workers during the pandemic in Italy)
- Marino Pezzolo, Mara Del Baldo, Ugo Ascoli, L’impatto della digitalizzazione sui servizi di welfare nelle PMI italiane (The impact of digitisation on services welfare services in Italian SMEs)
- Emanuela Abbatecola, Davide Filippi, Regimi intersezionali di precarietà. Note a margine di una ricerca qualitativa sul grave sfruttamento del lavoro migrante in Liguria (Intersectional regimes of precariousness. Notes on the margins of a qualitative research on the severe exploitation of migrant labour in Liguria)
Issue 168/2024 Gender Inequalities in Academia: Work, Organizational Cultures, and Policies
- Emanuela Lombardo, Manuela Naldini, Barbara Poggio, Gender Inequalities in Academia: Multiple Approaches to Closing the Gap
- Giulia Tattarini, Renzo Carriero, Cristina Solera, You have to work more than men to succeed! Gender differences in workaholism among Italian academics
- Davide Filippi, Neoliberal universities, GEPs and the everyday reproduction of gender inequality. A qualitative study
- Clare Matysova, Exploring (in)congruence between academic employers and academic parents’ aspirations for, and enactment of, gender justice in relation to family leave
- Maddalena Cannito, Arianna Santero, Balancing Work, Life, and Care Responsibilities in Academia: The Male Perspective
- Susana Riquelme Parra, Lucía Miranda Leibe, Academic trajectories in the Southern Cone: marked by the stigmatization of being a woman, migrant, or non-Caucasian
- Ainhoa Novo-Arbona, María Silvestre Cabrera, Eva Martínez-Hernández, Arantxa Elizondo Lopetegui, Rankings in Higher Education: criteria for measuring Gender Equality in Universities
- Emma Garavaglia, Serafino Negrelli, Valentina Pacetti, Le trasformazioni del lavoro impiegatizio nel manifatturiero avanzato. Una ricerca empirica (The transformations of white-collar work in advanced manufacturing. An empirical study)
- Stefano Ba', Precarietà e classe. Genitori in occupazioni precarie e ‘lotte quotidiane’ (Precarity and class. Parents in precarious employment and daily struggles)
- Antonio Ciniero, Ethnography of exploitation in seasonal agricultural labor. The case of Bulgarian Roma laborers in Apulia, Southern Italy