Chi siamo e dove andiamo ovvero cosa desideriamo. Note a margine di un convegno per la comunicazione e di un libro contro la comunicazione

Author/s Alberto Abruzzese
Publishing Year 2005 Issue 2004/35-36
Language Italian Pages 12 P. File size 47 KB
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By this essay the author wants to share in the debate on the present state of the studies about communication. They need a compelling turning point, regarding the review of the analysis instrument and the theoretical categories related to what communication is in post-modernity. By this way, a very critical judgement is actually expressed towards communicationists, whose great limit is not to really focus on how the media communication is changing, to borrow from other branches of learning concepts and useful remarks grounded to the categories of the modern time. The studies on communication are above all accused not to take into account the changes in the modern subjectivity, a matter that other branches of learning has made responsible for; in the same way the anthropological-cultural transformation that has occurred in the consumption set in the mass society imagery that is promoted by the generalist media, has not been taken into the right consideration. Basically the language of communication itself must be reviewed, in order to make up for that lack of communication culture expressed by those who think to talk about it as experts, but are at last only bearers and further spreaders of common places.

Alberto Abruzzese, Chi siamo e dove andiamo ovvero cosa desideriamo. Note a margine di un convegno per la comunicazione e di un libro contro la comunicazione in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 35-36/2004, pp , DOI: