An unexpected experience. Signs of the ‘ndrangheta mafia in Lombardy

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Arturo Lanzani
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/63
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 54-63 File size 413 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2012-063011
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Today the mafia are building a new landscape in the North, which is to say they are formulating spatial rules in which land is no longer a public asset. It is generating a new economy - it is fuelling new property processes through new urbanisation, sub-contracts and earth movement - by supporting ‘plans’ in which increasingly more areas are being classified as for building. The reconstruction of this metamorphosis by looking at signs and traces, experiences and news stories is the premise for a new assumption of responsibility.

Keywords: Mafia; economy; urban planning transformations

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Arturo Lanzani, Un’esperienza inaspettata. Indizi della ‘ndrangheta in Lombardia in "TERRITORIO" 63/2012, pp 54-63, DOI: 10.3280/TR2012-063011