Organizational justice, social support and burnout amongst health care workers: direct and moderating effects of social support

Author/s Barbara Loera, Silvia Gattino, Daniela Converso
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/1
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 27-48 File size 322 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2013-001002
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This contribution explains the results of a research conducted on the relationships between organizational justice and social support - from colleagues and superiors - and burnout. The aim is to highlight the direct effects of those organizational variables on the onset of such syndrome. More specifically, the possible effects of moderation of social support in the relationship between organizational justice and burnout will be identified. This study was carried out in the biggest Hospital of the Piemonte region and it involved 503 operators, working in three different Units (different for patients’ characteristics and intensity of treatment system: emergency medicine, internal medicine and radiology, ICU and not-ICU). Results highlight both the direct effects of justice and social support on burnout and, differently in the three Units, moderation effects of social support on the relationship between justice and the dimensions of burnout.

Keywords: Burnout, organizational justice, social support, intensive care unit (ICU), notintensive care unit (not-ICU).

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Barbara Loera, Silvia Gattino, Daniela Converso, Giustizia organizzativa, supporto sociale e burnout tra lavoratori della Sanità: effetti diretti e di moderazione in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 1/2013, pp 27-48, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2013-001002