A Meta-culture of Evaluation, between National Knowledge and Scientific Practices

Author/s Lella Mazzoli
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/100
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 17-22 File size 584 KB
DOI 10.3280/SR2013-100003
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The research evaluation in Universities is strictly connected with the cultural idea on this term shared not only in the academic field. The present debate underlines a conflict between different models of categorization and judgement probably going through our history and not only these days. The evaluation cultures are observed using a distinction that sociology of communication establishes between two classical and opposite models. The syntactic model and its idea of mechanical measurement and data transmission and the pragmatic model, pointing out that communication has to be observed ad a relational reality. This distinction is used to understand in the same way the evaluation of scientific knowledge, underlining that in evaluation as well as in communication we can’t ignore quantitative and qualitative aspects. It has to be used a sort of hybridization between digital and analogue elements.

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Lella Mazzoli, Per una metacultura della valutazione, fra saperi nazionali e pratiche disciplinari in "SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE " 100/2013, pp 17-22, DOI: 10.3280/SR2013-100003