Evaluation and Validation: Some Issues in the Vqr 2004- 2010

Author/s Antonio Fasanella
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/100
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 132-147 File size 632 KB
DOI 10.3280/SR2013-100013
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The paper offers a methodological reading of the process of the Italian research quality evaluation 2004-2010 (Vqr 2004-2010). In particular, it addressed the issue of peer review in political and social sciences areas (Pssa), with specific discussion on the criteria of selection of reviewers and the product-reviewers matching. On this points some omissions are found out in the final report of Pssa Vqr (2004-2010), that presents a lack of care on the side of accountability. The paper proposes a more thorough analysis in order to explore possible bias in the data-base, so they can be eliminated. Only then the Pssa Vqr (2004-2010) final report results could support university research sound policies.

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Antonio Fasanella, Valutazione e validazione: qualche considerazione sulla Vqr 2004-2010 in "SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE " 100/2013, pp 132-147, DOI: 10.3280/SR2013-100013