San Patrignano between Community and Society.

Paolo Guidicini, Giovanni Pieretti

San Patrignano between Community and Society.

A research on the biographic routes of 711 San Patrignano former guests

Pages: 704

ISBN: 9788820489564

Edition: 1a edizione 1995

Publisher code: 1563.30

Availability: Discreta

The St. Patrignano Community was officially born on October 31, 1979; at that time the community had 30 people in its care. On January Ist, 1994 the guests numbered 2,165. In 14 years many thousands of young people have spent a more or less long period in this community. The present research examined a group of these young people - precisely 711 - trying to highlight the most decisive points of their experience and personal history, from their admission to the community to the present time.

The people composing the ((sample>) stayed in the community at least 14 months and may be therefore considered as a sort of ((hard core,) of St. Patrignano guests. A team of researchers interviewed them directly in their present residence towns and reconstructed with them their stories, paying particular attention to the sometimes extremely difficult passages of their routes. The young interviewees expressed their evaluation on the community experience, going back with their memory to its most sad and stimulating situations, as well as to the leaving and the return into the society with old and new friendship, family and work experiences combined into a new pattern of sociality.

This book analyses their stories, by reading them in the light of an interpretative model in which community and society cease to be the poles of two opposite life projects: 711 stories that we tried to read in a hypothesis of impendent realism.

1. The statistical basis of the research
1. Basic remarks on the research
1.1. The questionnaire-interview
1.2. Basic features of the "sample" examined
2. The subject on admission to the community
2.1. The subjects' family
2.2. The subjects' occupation at the time of entering the conmunity
2. The subject's impact with the community"
1. The impact with St. Patrignano
1.1. Work in the community
1.2. General evaluations on work in St. Patrignano
1.3. The usefulness of work in the community
1.4. The subjects' approach to their occupational future
1.5. The impact with work outside the community
3. Outlines of community
1. From the outline to the image
1.1. The first level of approach: length of the subjects' stay in the community
1.2. The second level of approach, based on the number of returns
1.3. The variable "change"
1.4. The perception of "change"
1.5. The perception of "change" and the "synthetic scales of measurement - K"
1.6. Evaluations of "change"
4. The reinstatement In the society: old and new family ties
1. Past and future face to face
2. Old and new family ties
2.1. The "present" family
5. Friendship and other forms of socialisation
1. The relationship with the "old friends"
2. The construction of a new circle of friends
3. Typologies and levels of sociality
6. The "work" in the subjects' new relationship with the society
1. The impact with work: the first job after St. Patrignano
2. Work today
2.1. Present professional qualification and "synthetic scales of measurement - K"
2.2. The definitive entrance into the working world
7. The conditions of reinstatement
1. The others and us: levels of acceptance
2. The difficulties on leaving
3. The routes of "adaptation" / "readaptation"
8. Community and Society: an irreconcilable dichotomy
1. Premise
2. Between community and society
3. Which kind of community are we talking about
4. The image of work in the global evaluation of the community
4.1. The goals of work in the community:another dichotomy
4.2. The image of work in the "open topics"
9. The city effect: a significant break-up
1. The city effect and its role
2. What does "city effect" mean
3. The scale on the "city effect"
4. The city effect in the "open topics"
5. The elements making up the image of the community
10. The "group mentioning St. Patrignano'
1. What is the "group mentioning St. Patrignano"
2. The concept of amae
3. The methodological value of the "group mentioning St. Patrignano"
11. Change and resistance to change
1. The role of the therapeutic experience
2. Change, resistance and transference
3. Which notion of change
4. Change and life image
5. The role of the Other in the subjects' change
12. Change and drug-addiction
1. Withdrawing from drugs: a cultural revolution
2. Drug-addiction and "false Self'
3. "Getting up in the morning": the theme of life emerges
4. The life/death paradigm
13. The phases of the research
1. The object of the research
1.1. Some elements of the research project
2. The methodological passages of the preliminary research which led to the construction of the "final" questionnaire-interview used for the data collection
2.1. The first instrument's structure (questionnaire on the youth awkwardness)
2.2. Structure of the second preliminary questionnaire (questionnaire centred upon the "filling the blanks technique)
2.3. Structure of the third preliminary instrument (questionnaire with groups of "drug-addictioncentred questions)
2.4. Biographic paths in the construction of the "open topics"
2.5. Preliminary interviews centred on the work in St. Patrignano
3. Structure of the "definitive" questionnaire-interview
3.1. The "definitive" questionnaire-interview
4. Times and methods of the data collection on the territory
4.1. The first data collection phase
4.2. The second and third data collection phases
14. Methodological steps An the elaboration of the questionnaire-interview
1. Classification of the closed and "semi-closed" questions
1.1. Absolute values and basis percentages of closed and "semi-closed" questions
2. Elaboration of the "open topics"
2.1. "Open topics" answer classes
3. The "variables of synthetic measurement"
3.1. Measurement scales construction
3.2. The indicators "Synthetic evaluation of effectiveness - E" and "Sociality indicator - S"
15. Appendix - Qualitative elaboration of the to open topics": the basic significant sentences

Serie: Sociologia del territorio

Subjects: Addictions

Level: Scholarly Research

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