The search has found 31 titles

Noemi Del Bianco, Sacha Grocholewska-Iwanejko

Inclusive arts: Meanings and practices


Fascicolo: 1 / 2019

The reflection on special pedagogy that deals with the use of art as means of development of the educational potential, moves our interest toward art forms that are new in the pedagogical field. The aim of this study is to explore how new forms of educational activities can be expressed and shaped in inclusive contexts between arts and mindful practice.

Noemi Del Bianco, Francesca Accorsi

Quality of Life and intellectual disability: Implementing the POS Scale in a case study


Fascicolo: 1 / 2019

This paper sheds light on the combination between Quality of Life and Adulthood, focusing on the analysis of a case study. The considerations concerning the theoretical framework of reference, or the epistemological frame of the Quality of Life, allow to draw the more or less satisfactory perceptions on the life of an adult with intellectual disabilities, aiming to log regressions and improvements after a longitudinal trail that lasted two years.

Ilaria D'Angelo, Noemi Del Bianco

Inclusion at University

Studies and practices

This volume goes through multiple experiences in a purely international high-level context bringing different approaches, experiences and testimonies that allow to give body and substance to a possible “Inclusive University”. The text is particularly useful for professionals in the field of training, for trainers, for University professors, for University students who are preparing to become educators or teachers, as well as for young people with disabilities or with Specific Learning Disorders to glimpse possible paths of student’s voice and personal and professional empowerment.

cod. 1750.25

Catia Giaconi, Simone Aparecida Capellini, Noemi Del Bianco, Arianna Taddei, Ilaria D'Angelo

Study Empowerment for inclusion


Fascicolo: 2 / 2018

Grazia Romanazzi, Noemi Del Bianco, Valentina Pennazio, Arianna Taddei

Book Reviews


Fascicolo: 1 / 2018

Catia Giaconi, Arianna Taddei, Noemi Del Bianco, Simone Capellini

Inclusive University didactics and technological devices: a case study


Fascicolo: 1 / 2018

This paper provides a review of projects related to new technologies used to favour the teaching-learning processes and the inclusive practices in the University context for students with disabilities and with Specific Learning Disorders. Authors present a review of strategies, trajectories and perspectives activated in the national and international scene, aiming to guarantee a significant pedagogical framework of reference. Furthermore, the paper focuses on a meaningful path activated at the University of Macerata, the project Inclusion 3.0, a relevant example of new technologies in support of teaching-learning processes and inclusion practices among all students.   

Simone Aparecida Capellini, Gabriela Franco dos Santos Liporaci, Larissa Sellin, Monique Herrera Cardoso, Catia Giaconi, Noemi Del Bianco

Inclusion and New Technology for Students with Learning Disorders and Attention Deficit with Hiperativity Disorder


Fascicolo: 1 / 2018

The purpose of this paper is to analyze possible correspondences between new technologies and inclusive practices for students with difficulties. This perspective allows authors to describe the use of Technology as a possible component of plurals educative settings, able to draw every actor involved on a variety of resources. The targeted use of technologies, intended as a potential, can allow the development and the improvement of inclusive dynamics within the educative field. Specifically this paper presents the technological resources which have enabled the inclusion of students with learning disorders, dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, in the Brazilian scenario.

Catia Giaconi, Noemi Del Bianco

In azione.

Prove di inclusione

Nato in occasione della prima edizione di "Unimc for Inclusion", iniziativa promossa dall’Università degli Studi di Macerata, il volume intende proporre coordinate teoriche e traiettorie operative applicabili in plurali contesti inclusivi formativi. Il paradigma dell’inclusione viene pertanto indagato in ragione delle sue declinazioni, attraverso una molteplicità di approfondimenti tematici.

cod. 11750.6

Catia Giaconi, Noemi Del Bianco

Inclusione 3.0

Gli interventi, le riflessioni, i progetti e i laboratori - sul tema della disabilità e dell’inclusione - presentati durante "Unimc for Inclusion", una ricca settimana di incontri sul tema dell’inclusione tenutasi a Macerata in occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Disabilità.

cod. 11750.5

Noemi Del Bianco, Arianna Taddei, Catia Giaconi

Book reviews/Recensioni


Fascicolo: 2 / 2017

Catia Giaconi, Noemi Del Bianco, Simone Capellini, Arianna Taddei

Curriculum and inclusion: critical issues and redefinition lines


Fascicolo: 2 / 2017

Lo scopo di questo articolo è quello di analizzare il nucleo della coppia curriculum-inclusione secondo una specifica interpretazione che riconsidera l'identità inclusiva degli istituti scolastici, in grado di programmare un curriculum equilibrato sia nelle richieste disciplinari che nelle aree di qualità della vita, per tutti gli studenti , con e senza disabilità. Partendo dal quadro teorico della Qualità della vita, gli autori, dopo l'illustrazione delle problematiche relative al contesto italiano e brasiliano e facendo riferimento a due studi pilota con insegnanti specializzati, individuano alcune aree di intervento che potrebbero portare a considerare il curriculum in una prospettiva inclusiva, senza l'individuazione di specifiche forme curricolari, esclusivamente dedicate a questa prospettiva.