La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 71 titoli

Arnaldo Camuffo, Roberto Grandinetti

I distretti industriali come economie della conoscenza


Fascicolo: 15 / 2005

From a knowledge-based perspective, an industrial district operates as a meta-context with a high density of knowledge production sites (firm contexts), and a high density of knowledge transfer channels that in their turn feed the processes of knowledge creation. We argue that observation of new products aimed to their imitation, inter-firm mobility of human resources, intra-district relations are frequent and effective mechanisms of knowledge transfer because of an high level of cognitive overlapping among district firms. Linked with cognitive combination, the same mechanisms fill an important role in the generation of innovations and the evolution of industrial districts. These systems are also meta-contexts with a high density of incubators (firm contexts) of new entrepreneurship. In fact, the origin of new firms frequently comes through spin-offs, that may be considered a specific form of knowledge transfer and combination. The paper analyses the knowledge dynamics inside districts as well as the cognitive permeability between a district and its external environment. The effects of globalisation on industrial districts are also considered.

Roberto Grandinetti

I fondamenti concettuali del knowledge management: un'analisi critica


Fascicolo: 118 / 2003

The objective of this article is to propose a critical review of the traditional concepts and assumptions of knowledge management and to develop a new theoretical framework about how knowledge is created, transferred and used.

Sergio Albertini, Maria Chiarvesio

Artigianato e sistema locale

Il ruolo dei servizi nel vantaggio competitivo delle imprese artigiane

cod. 380.137