Adriano Angelucci, Vincenzo Fano

Realism and antirealism in metaphysics, science and language

Festschrift for Mario Alai

The book includes several essays written by prominent contemporary philosophers as well as by younger researchers in honor of Mario Alai on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The book also includes an extensive reply written by Alai himself, which amply testifies to his lifelong commitment to passionate yet fair-minded philosophical debate.

cod. 490.113

Claudio Calosi, Pierluigi Graziani

Experience, Abstraction and the Scientific Image of the World.

Festschrift for Vincenzo Fano

The book contains different essays in honor of Vincenzo Fano, for his 60th birthday. They address several foundational issues in the philosophy and metaphysics of science, epistemology, history of science and philosophy, and the relation between philosophy, science, and art. The crucial aspect of the book is the constant dialogue between different forms of knowledge: from science to art, from philosophy to philology, from the classics to contemporary research. This also reflects the breadth of Fano’s philosophical research.

cod. 490.111

Francesca Pirlone

I borghi antichi abbandonati.

Patrimonio da riscoprire e mettere in sicurezza

I borghi antichi rappresentano un patrimonio culturale inestimabile e allo stesso tempo affascinante. Il volume analizza il tema dei borghi antichi sotto diversi aspetti, partendo da un loro censimento e giungendo alla formulazione di proposte e interventi di recupero e valorizzazione al fine di riqualificare e rivitalizzare tessuti ormai abbandonati o in via di abbandono.

cod. 1820.301