Patrizia Borsotto, Marco Gaito , Antonio Papaleo, Carmela De Vivo

An exploratory study on the construction of networks in social farming


Fascicolo: 2 / 2019

Social farming is a complex activity that requires, for its development, the contribution of different skills and competences and, therefore, the creation of networks and complex relationships among several actors. According to the Report on Social Farming (rrn, 2017), networks that are built around social agriculture are complex both in terms of agreements and of the plurality of stakeholders involved. The paper aims at presenting the results of the research activity carried out on a group of Italian social farming operators that participated in information and training activities organized by the Italian National Rural Network (nrn) (summer schools and/or study visits) between 2016 and 2018. Aim of the research is to understand the relationships that have been created after participating in these moments and how much these activities improved the strengthening or the creation of territorial networks. The survey was conducted with qualitative methods and the tools used are the interview by questionnaire and social network analysis. All participants at the end of the events were invited to respond to a questionnaire aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the activity and subsequently they were given a questionnaire with cawi methodology aimed at understanding the social farming activities developed after the training. Then a sample of respondents was selected, among those who started new projects or implemented the existing ones. At this stage, data were gathered from an in-depth questionnaire and direct interview. Through the application of Social Network Analysis (sna) the formal and informal links between the participants have been mapped and described. The analysis of the actors has highlighted the high heterogeneity of the subjects involved, which in most cases is constituted by farmers. The network is not very cohesive due to the lack of links between many actors. However, it is an active and inclusive network characterized by redundant links that may be poorly efficient and an obstacle to its further expansion. Within the network, there are actors who simultaneously hold multiple roles representing multiple interests; the nrn no longer appears as a standalone unit that only performs an "institutional function" but as a social subject.

Donatantonio De Falcis, Nicola Casolani

Rapporto sul sistema agro-alimentare in Abruzzo 2018

Il Rapporto intende fornire una chiave di lettura dello sviluppo regionale del comparto agroalimentare abruzzese, ponendosi come strumento di analisi e riflessione a disposizione delle imprese, delle istituzioni e dei cittadini.

cod. 365.1208

Emilio Chiodo, Maria Angela Perito

L'agroalimentare abruzzese tra crisi e crescita.

Rapporto 2013 sul Sistema Agroalimentare Abruzzese

Il Rapporto presenta per la prima volta in modo sistematico il settore agroalimentare abruzzese, affrontandone congiuntamente sia gli aspetti strutturali e congiunturali sia le criticità e potenzialità di sviluppo, nonché elaborando una riflessione sull’impatto della crisi economica sul settore.

cod. 365.1078

Francesco Di Iacovo

Agricoltura sociale: quando le campagne coltivano valori

Un manuale per conoscere e progettare

Una chiave di lettura sul tema dell’agricoltura sociale, quella serie di attività che fanno leva sulle risorse delle piante e degli animali e sulla presenza di piccoli gruppi di persone che operano in realtà agricole, per promuovere azioni d’inserimento socio-terapeutico e d’inclusione lavorativa, l’educazione e la formazione di utenti con esigenze specifiche, l’organizzazione di servizi alla persona per minori e anziani, appartenenti a ceti urbani e rurali.

cod. 365.686