Licia Califano

Sicurezza alimentare, diritto al cibo, etica della sostenibilità

Politiche giuridiche, economiche e sociali

La sicurezza alimentare, intesa nella sua più ampia accezione di “diritto al cibo”, si configura come un diritto fondamentale preordinato al rispetto della vita stessa. Questo volume affianca alla dimensione esistenziale del valore del cibo un ragionamento orientato a elaborare scelte politiche di intervento ed evidenziare i limiti di un modello socio-economico che continua a muoversi all’interno di un paradigma lontano da logiche di consumo sostenibile e dal rispetto dei diritti delle persone.

cod. 315.2.30

Licia Califano

Food Security, Right to Food, Ethics of Sustainability

Legal, Economic and Social Policies

Food security, understood in its broadest sense as the ‘right to food’, is a fundamental right preordained to respect for life itself. This is a value of food which, in the integrated and interdisciplinary methodological perspective embraced in this book, combines the existential dimension of food with reasoning oriented towards elaborating political choices of intervention.

cod. 10315.7

Maria Paola Mittica

Prima di tutto sono racconti. Riflessioni a margine di un libro su diritto e letteratura


Fascicolo: 1 / 2004

François Ost’s recent Raconter la loi (Odile Jacob, Paris 2004) is a fascinating venture that has the great merit, among many others, of thinking about the conceptual nuclei of Law & Literature especially in the direction he adopts of law in literature from a typically European perspective. The author’s central theme is that every policy and every law always springs from a foundation of a tale, which actually acts as a literary matrix for every symbolic struc-ture of human cohabitation. He argues that it is from the imaginative artistic dimen-sion underlying the tale, comprising the imaginative component and the structural component given by language and by the rules that govern narrative, that all the cul-tural products of a given human society derive, with the consequence that law (like any other semantic) should be understood more properly as literature, at least as far as its origins are concerned. Ost then moves from this basic premise to analyse some of the most intense works of literature in the history of Western culture, such as Genesis, The Oresteia, Anti-gone, Robinson Crusoe and Faust, concluding with Kafka’s The Trial, always focus-ing on how literature not only underlies law and with it human cohabitation, but also gives a critical vision of law, while continuing to design and propose possible new rules.

Alessandra Facchi, Maria Paola Mittica



Fascicolo: 3 / 1999

Alessandra Facchi, Maria Paola Mittica

Concetti e norme.

Teorie e ricerche di antropologia giuridica

cod. 1525.35