Giuseppe Strappa

Observations on urban growth

This book compares a number of essays on urban growth that examine case studies located in various different geographic areas. It is not just a comparison of urban samples. What interests the editor is to compare interpretational models derived from experience that come under the umbrella of urban morphology, developed in different cultural contexts that nevertheless share the conviction that the form of a city, even in its most seemingly chaotic incarnations, can be interpreted rationally and contains the seeds of future change.

cod. 1098.2.48

M.R.G Conzen, Giancarlo Cataldi

L'analisi della forma urbana.

Alnwick, Northumberland

L’edizione italiana dell’indagine su Alnwyck di M.R.G. Conzen, illustre geografo di origine tedesca e fondatore di un’importante scuola di studi di geografia urbana in Gran Bretagna.

cod. 1098.2.13