Luigi Fusco Girard, Peter Nijkamp

Reconnecting the city with nature and history

Towards circular regeneration strategies

Cities need nature and also their history to be able to face tremendous challenges, adapting to new contexts, changing them, making memories of the adaptations and then learning from them. This book is about the sustainable development of cities and their role in meeting the challenges facing humanity today. It addresses a wide array of important contemporary urban issues, from a regenerative, circular and smart perspective.

cod. 1740.161

Roberta Capello, Laura Resmini

Teorie, modelli e metodi nelle scienze regionali italiane.

Vol. II. Struttura, dinamica e pianificazione dei sistemi urbani

A quarant’anni dalla fondazione dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (AISRe), quest’antologia in due volumi – utilizzabile anche a fini didattici – ne ricostruisce la storia attraverso un’analisi della Collana edita da FrancoAngeli. Questo secondo volume è dedicato ai modelli di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e ai metodi di pianificazione urbana. Non esaustivi dell’intera produzione di idee e temi trattati in quest’ambito dagli scienziati regionali, i lavori testimoniano l’importanza che la multidisciplinarietà ha giocato all’interno dell’Associazione nello sviluppare strumenti concettuali di interpretazione della dinamica dei sistemi urbani.

cod. 1390.57

Ugo Fratesi, Guido Pellegrini

Territorio, istituzioni, crescita.

Scienze regionali e sviluppo del paese

Una selezione dei contributi più significativi della XXXIII conferenza scientifica annuale dell’AISRe. Il testo analizza il ruolo delle regioni nei processi di crescita, anche alla luce dell’attuale situazione economica italiana e della crisi in corso. L’insieme degli studi presentati si focalizza sui meccanismi di crescita, gli stessi che possono innescare la ripresa, mostrandone la base territoriale.

cod. 1390.50

Adele Finco

Biofuels economics and policy.

Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability

The book aims to describe the context and the emerging economic and political challenges of the agro-energy field and the importance of biofuels from feedstocks. The Italian and European economic analysis describes the actual scenario and the future perspectives of the agribusiness sector.

cod. 365.1004

Vincenzo Del Giudice, Pierfrancesco De Paola, Francesca Torrieri, Francesca Pagliara, Peter Nijkamp

A DSS for Real Estate Location Choice


Fascicolo: 3 / 2010

The evaluation of real estate assets is currently one of the main issues addressed by territorial marketing strategies with a view to developing competitive cities. Given the complexity of the real estate market, it’s hard to identify a priori the factors that constitute a city’s competitive capacity to attract investments to this market. In this paper we design an integrated complex evaluation model able to map out and encapsulate the multidimensional spectrum of factors that shape the attractiveness each investment destination. The methodological approach is then illustrated through application of the model to a real-world case of investment choice in the residential sector of the city of Naples.

Il volume si interroga su quali contributi è in grado di offrire il territorio alla produzione di conoscenza. Indaga poi sul ruolo del sistema formativo nel fornire il capitale umano, sulla programmazione strategica e sui raccordi tra livelli politici e tecnici che possono favorire il governo della competitività territoriale.

cod. 1390.42

Miranda Cuffaro, Maria Francesca Cracolici, Peter Nijkamp

Measuring the Performance of Italian Regions on Social and Economic Dimensions


Fascicolo: 1 / 2008

Measuring the Performance of Italian Regions on Social and Economic Dimensions (by Miranda Cuffaro, Maria Francesca Cracolici, Peter Nijkamp) - ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new analytical framework for assessing spatial disparities among regions. On the premise that the analysis of a region’s performance cannot be limited solely to either economic or social aspects, the paper attempts to combine the material (i.e. economic) and immaterial (i.e. social) aspects of welfare and wellbeing in an integrated logical scheme. In this scheme the economic aspects of living standards are represented by various categories of consumption expenditure, whilst the social aspects are represented by appropriate indicators of health, education, labour market conditions, etc. The framework proposed is also appealing for convergence analyses over time. From a time perspective, introducing this joint socio-economic concept into the analysis of differences among countries allows one to disentangle the notion of convergence into its economic and social dimensions. An empirical analysis is conducted on the Italian regions for the period from 1980 to 2005. The empirical results obtained by Principal Component Analysis show that, on average, a high level of economic welfare may contrast with a high level of social well-being. Keywords: Socio-economic well-being, living standards, consumption

Aura Reggiani, Roberto Patuelli, Peter Nijkamp

The development of Regional employment in Germany: Results from Neural Network Experiments


Fascicolo: 3 / 2006

The development of Regional employment in Germany: Results from Neural Network Experiments (by Roberto Patuelli, Aura Reggiani, Peter Nijkamp) - ABSTRACT: This paper offers an overview of experimental results, based on neural networks (NNs) used to forecast regional employment variations in Germany. NNs are statistical optimization tools, whose main characteristics are non-linear data processing and the ability to find functional relationships within the data. We present the results – for a set of NN models – based on regional data concerning full-time employment in Germany. The database used in our experiments consists of two panels of 326 and 113 NUTS 3 districts, which represent West and East Germany, respectively. In order to forecast employment growth rates for the years 2004, 2005, and 2006, NN models – also embedding shift-share analysis components – were developed and evaluated for West and East Germany. The paper concludes with theoretical, methodological and empirical observations in the light of future research developments.

Patrizia Lombardi, Ezio Micelli

Le misure del piano.

Temi e strumenti della valutazione nei nuovi piani

cod. 1740.79