Organizzazione del settore edilizio

Autori/Curatori Gianfranco Dioguardi
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 11 P. Dimensione file 54 KB
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FrancoAngeli è membro della Publishers International Linking Association, Inc (PILA)associazione indipendente e non profit per facilitare (attraverso i servizi tecnologici implementati da l’accesso degli studiosi ai contenuti digitali nelle pubblicazioni professionali e scientifiche

A new model of firm is proposed. The model try to solve some problems of the building sector. In particular, the article focuses on: -the necessity of creating new relationship between firm and local land, -the opportunity of considering the building product as a continuous process, so that the quality can be promoted even by the maintenance activity. The article also analyses the utility of acting by using specialized structures that facilitate the creation of old and new professional figures. The discussion contains the following points: analysis of the characteristics of production; presentation of the new business model on three levels, formulation of hypothesis for permanent training; discussion of enterprise and territorial information processes; analysis of maintenance as building and social problem and description of urban laboratory as smart part of the firm on;

Gianfranco Dioguardi, Organizzazione del settore edilizio in "STUDI ORGANIZZATIVI " 3/2000, pp , DOI: