Elena de Filippo, Glauco Iermano

Ragazzi sospesi

I neomaggiorenni stranieri verso l’autonomia

Con il contributo di giuristi, sociologi e degli operatori sociali impegnati nel progetto Ragazzi sospesi, realizzato a Napoli, questo volume fornisce spunti teorici ed empirici per l’inquadramento del problema del passaggio dei minori stranieri soli alla maggiore età.

cod. 1144.1.45

Hannah Reich, Roberta Teresa Di Rosa

Newcomers as Agents for Social Change: Learning from the Italian Experience

A Recourse Book for Social Work and Social Work Education in the Field of Migration

This publication is a resource book for Social Workers engaging in the field of migration. It aims to display facts about the living realities on the ground migrants and Social Workers active in the field are facing and it presents methods and approaches, extracting them from these experiences and reflections insights, significant for Social Work educational practice.

cod. 10252.3