Dominique Méda, Maura Benegiamo

The ecological conversion: an opportunity to overcome the dual crisis of work and employment


Fascicolo: 165 / 2023

The ecological transition may represent both a catastrophe and a great opportunity for employment and work. Accordingly, the idea of a "triple dividend" is sometimes recalled: if properly carried out, the ecological transition could not only make it possible to deal with climate change and threats to biodiversity, but it will also lead to the creation of many useful jobs and make it possible to change the way work is organised. Although associations and unions have these issues in their sights, these remain for the moment insufficiently developed and equipped. In this article, I will first explore the diverse impact of ecological transition processes on employment (1), then move on to explore the actions of trade unions and associations in favour of a just transition (2) and finally discuss how ecological conversion can be an opportunity for new perspectives on changing work to emerge (3). I will particularly focus on the France case which, in turn, can be extended to other contexts. ?

Michele La Rosa, Dominique Méda

Il problema del lavoro.

Il lavoro come problema. Un confronto italo-francese sui temi del lavoro, dell'occupazione e della partecipazione

cod. 1529.69